
The first modernised EN57 trains already in Pomorze

Before Chri­st­mas, pas­sen­gers tra­vel­ling on the routes between Gdynia-Elbląg-Olsztyn and Gdynia-Bydgoszcz will expe­rience a signi­fi­can­tly incre­ased com­fort of tra­vel­ling. The Marshal’s Office of Pomor­skie Pro­vince has com­mis­sio­ned NEWAG to moder­nize four EN57 elec­tric mul­ti­ple units (EMUs). The first of the orde­red tra­ins  has alre­ady been put in operation.

Due to their com­pre­hen­sive moder­ni­za­tion, the refur­bi­shed tra­ins are a far cry from their ori­gi­nals. Both pas­sen­gers and train crews will be tra­vel­ling in air-conditioned inte­riors equ­ip­ped with  moni­to­ring  and pas­sen­ger infor­ma­tion sys­tems. Inte­rior deco­ra­tion, com­for­ta­ble pas­sen­ger seats fit­ted with 230V elec­tric soc­kets as well as ther­mal and aco­ustic insu­la­tion will ensure ple­asant and com­for­ta­ble tra­vel­ling con­di­tions. The TSI PRM-compliant toilet has been adap­ted to  needs of pas­sen­gers with restric­ted mobi­lity. The tra­ins will also be fit­ted with two spa­ces desi­gna­ted for whe­el­cha­irs and embar­king ramps for whe­el­cha­irs as well as with bicycle racks.

Driver’s cabs have been equ­ip­ped with ergo­no­mic con­trol panels and ame­ni­ties (frid­ges, cookers, ket­tles and lockers).

The tra­ins are capa­ble of tra­vel­ling with a speed of up to 120 km/h. The over­haul of the tra­ins’ gear, drive and brake sys­tem will ensure that tra­ins will be more relia­ble and eco­no­mi­cal. The modern trac­tion drive with the IGBT inver­ter  and the electro-dynamic bra­king will ena­ble energy reco­very to the over­head line during bra­king. Bogies have been fit­ted with brand new drive sys­tems con­si­sting of brand-new asyn­chro­nous trac­tion motors, two-stage trans­mis­sion with a hol­low shaft and with fle­xi­ble coupling trans­mit­ting torque to the wheelset.

The con­tract for the moder­ni­sa­tion of four EN57 series EMUs was signed on 12.08.2014. The con­tract gross value is PLN 30,405,600.