
The Day with ‘Impuls’ in Kołobrzeg

‘Impuls’ No 8,  the latest pur­chase of  Zachod­nio­po­mor­skie Pro­vince, pre­sen­ted an impres­sive sight aga­inst the back­gro­und of the Port  in Koło­brzeg. Undo­ub­te­dly, the four-unit elec­tric mul­ti­ple unit type 31WE was the attrac­tion of the day.  On Fri­day, 22nd August, it was offi­cially han­ded over for operation.

This August, our rol­ling stock pur­chase pro­ject will have been listed  in the Infra­struc­ture and Envi­ron­ment Ope­ra­tio­nal Pro­gramme for three years, remin­ded Anna Miecz­kow­ska, mem­ber of the Board of Zachod­nio­po­mor­skie Pro­vince while ope­ning the  event. The con­tract value was PLN 259 mil­lion, the record amo­unt spent on moder­ni­zing rol­ling stock in the history of our region.

During the han­ding over of the sym­bo­lic key to the train Anna Miecz­kow­skawas accom­pa­nied by Janusz Gro­mek, Kołobrzeg’s Mayor, Tomasz Pasi­kow­ski, Pre­si­dent of the Board of Prze­wozy Regio­nalne Sp. z o.o.,  and Piotr Koło­dziej­czak, Newag’s com­mer­cial direc­tor, who repre­sen­ted Zbi­gniew Konie­czek, Newag’s Pre­si­dent. Marek Hok, an MP,  joined this group for a short while.

Anna Miecz­kow­ska empha­si­zed that the deli­very of the new ‘Impuls’ tra­ins resul­ted from a con­si­stent policy of Zachod­nio­po­mor­skie Pro­vince con­cer­ning rail­way infra­struc­ture. The deci­sions we  took were very highly regar­ded by the rail­way indu­stry, she said. For us, howe­ver, the most impor­tant thing is pas­sen­gers’ com­fort and enhan­ced safety ensu­red by the new rol­ling stock.

Janusz Gro­mek, Mayor of Koło­brzeg, was very satis­fied that  ‘Impuls’ tra­ins offer new, enhan­ced com­fort of tra­vel­ling.  Our guests and touri­sts are our prio­rity, he empha­si­zed, and what this Polish com­pany has offe­red reflects the 21st cen­tury.

Before the key to the ‘Impuls’ train was han­ded over to the Pro­vince Mar­shal, Piotr Koło­dziej­czyk brie­fly pre­sen­ted the main  advan­ta­ges of the train. I am convin­ced that tra­vel­ling on board of ‘Impuls’ tra­ins will bring satis­fac­tion both to pas­sen­gers and rail­way com­pa­nies, he said.

As a for­mer mem­ber of local autho­ri­ties, and now, from my posi­tion of the head of Prze­wozy Regio­nalne, I have a keen inte­rest in money well spent. I con­gra­tu­late the Pro­vince Board on making the right deci­sions and excel­lent inve­st­ment pro­jects, said  Pre­si­dent Tomasz Pasi­kow­ski when eva­lu­ating the scope  of the event.

Marek Hok, Mem­ber of Par­lia­ment,  paid a short and une­xpec­ted visit at the Koło­brzeg port and joined the par­ti­ci­pants in the offi­cial cere­mony. I remem­ber very well the level from which the Zachod­nio­po­mor­skie Pro­vince star­ted when I began my term at the Pro­vince Board. Today, I am impres­sed with the results that have been achie­ved, com­men­ted the MP.

Touri­sts and resi­dents of Koło­brzeg who had an oppor­tu­nity to view the train also sho­wed their deli­ght, with driver’s cabs attrac­ting the big­gest inte­rest of  chil­dren and adults. More­over, the youn­gest visi­tors had a great time par­ti­ci­pa­ting in a mini rail picnic.