
Szczecin received a golden IMPULS with ECTS 2

Today at 12:30 pm the first three IMPULS Elec­tric Mul­ti­ple Units (EMUs) out of 16 orde­red in 2016 by the Mar­shal Office of Zachod­nio­po­mor­skie Pro­vince were offi­cially han­ded over at the Main Train Sta­tion in Szcze­cin. This spe­cial occa­sion was atten­ded by Olgierd Geble­wicz, Mar­shal of Zachod­nio­po­mor­skie Pro­vince,  Jadwiga Raj­kie­wicz – Head of the Infra­struc­ture and Trans­por­ta­tion Depart­ment of the  Marshal’s Office Mar­shal of Zachod­nio­po­mor­skie Pro­vince, Artur Kowal­czyk – Vice Pre­si­dent of  Prze­wozy Regio­nalne, Andrzej Chańko, Direc­tor of Zachod­nio­po­mor­skie Branch of Prze­wozy Regio­nalne and Zbi­gniew Konie­czek – Pre­si­dent of NEWAG S.A.

The con­tract signed in Sep­tem­ber 2016 guaran­tees the deli­very of twe­lve three-car EMUs and five four-car EMUs. More­over, Newag must also deli­ver a simu­la­tor to train a team of train dri­vers how to ope­rate the new elec­tric mul­ti­ple units. Under the ten­der, the Con­trac­ting Autho­rity may incre­ase its order by thir­teen addi­tio­nal trains.

One of the three 36WEa tra­ins which bear the con­se­cu­tive num­bers 031 – 033  is excep­tio­nal – it is gol­den. The rema­ining tra­ins will be pain­ted in the stan­dard colo­urs com­pliant with the colo­urs used in the pre­vious order for the new rol­ling stock. There are alre­ady 13 IMPULS tra­ins deli­ve­red in Decem­ber of 2015 ope­ra­ting on rail­way tracks of the Province.

The gol­den IMPULS 36WEa – 031 EMU as the first train in Poland was gran­ted the ECTS level 2 license  by Urząd Trans­portu Kole­jo­wego– UTK  [Office of Rail Trans­port]. ECTS con­sti­tu­tes a part of the ERTMS sys­tem being imple­men­ted in the Euro­pean Union whose aim is to ensure inte­ro­pe­ra­bi­lity of rail trans­port which means seam­less move­ment of tra­ins on rail­way networks of par­ti­cu­lar coun­tries without a need for stop­ping on bor­ders and exchan­ging locos or train drivers.

After June 3, the Gol­den Train will ope­rate on routes along West Pome­ra­nia, in par­ti­cu­lar, it will tra­vel to desti­na­tions loca­ted at the seaside.  It will not be spe­cially mar­ked on train sche­du­les; howe­ver, the Marshal’s Office  will give clues to pas­sen­gers con­cer­ning the routes and times where the Gol­den Train  will be easy to spot. The train  is plan­ned as  an attrac­tion refer­ring to the famous “Gold Train” from Wał­brzych whose whe­re­abo­uts, unfor­tu­na­tely, have not been discovered.

Elec­tric Mul­ti­ple Units from IMPULS family are low-floor, open-coach tra­ins equ­ip­ped with full inte­rior moni­to­ring sys­tem, air-conditioning, state-of-the-art pas­sen­ger infor­ma­tion sys­tem with optio­nal pas­sen­ger coun­ting sys­tem and tic­ket pun­chers. The inte­rior is adju­sted to the needs of pas­sen­gers with redu­ced mobi­lity: there are ramps, retrac­ta­ble steps, lifts, wide aisles and areas desi­gna­ted for whe­el­cha­irs and bicycles.

The total value of the inve­st­ment pro­ject is  PLN 250 mil­lion. The co-financing by the Regio­nal Ope­ra­tio­nal Pro­gramme for Zachod­nio­po­mor­skie Pro­vince may reach  85% with the rema­ining part of the pro­ject being finan­ced from the rail­way fund and the Pro­vince’s own budget.