
Signing of Memorandum of Cooperation in mechanical engineering in train industry

During today’s visit of  PM Ewa Kopacz in Ukra­ine, “ Memo­ran­dum of Coope­ra­tion in mecha­ni­cal engi­ne­ering in train indu­stry, rese­arch, design and expe­ri­ment, trials, engi­ne­ering and con­sul­ting in rail indu­stry” was signed in the pre­sence of Deputy Mini­sters for Eco­nomy of Ukra­ine and Poland: Roman Kaczura and Andrzej Dycha, respec­ti­vely as well as in the pre­sence of Mak­sym Blanko,  CEO of Ukra­inian Rail­ways (Ukrzaliznytsia).

The memo­ran­dum was signed by  Rosty­slav Dio­min – Tech­no­lo­gi­cal Policy Depart­ment at Ukrza­li­znyt­sia, Zbi­gniew Konie­czek – Pre­si­dent of the Board of Direc­tors at  NEWAG S.A. and  Adrian Fur­gal­ski – Deputy Pre­si­dent of the Board of TOR Eco­no­mic Advi­sors’ Team. It offers an oppor­tu­nity  to pre­pare a two-three year pro­gramme of moder­ni­sing die­sel locomotives.

“As much as 80% of all goods are trans­por­ted by  rail in Ukra­ine, which means that without moder­ni­sing loco­mo­ti­ves cargo trans­port may fail,” said Adrian Fur­gal­ski, Deputy Pre­si­dent of the Board of  TOR Eco­no­mic Advi­sors’ Team. “The Memo­ran­dum may  ini­tiate an inve­st­ment pro­cess which is of key impor­tance for the Ukra­inian trans­por­ta­tion sys­tem because as many as 150 –200 die­sel loco­mo­ti­ves may be sub­ject to over­haul,” he added.

So far, NEWAG S.A. has  imple­men­ted its tech­no­logy of moder­ni­sing wide-gauge loco­mo­ti­ves for PKP LHS and KOLPREM.

“We have long-term expe­rience in moder­ni­sing die­sel loco­mo­ti­ves. We have main­ta­ined the leading posi­tion in this seg­ment in the last two years,” said  Zbi­gniew Konie­czek, Pre­si­dent of the Board  of NEWAG S.A. “In  2014, we moder­ni­sed 31 loco­mo­ti­ves, main­ta­ining 100% of the mar­ket share in Poland.”