A multi-system GRIFFIN is the first trac­tion vehicle from the family of four-axle elec­tric and die­sel loco­mo­ti­ves, offe­ring their users the whole range of trans­port and tech­ni­cal possibilities.

The loco­mo­tive is inten­ded to pull fre­ight tra­ins of a weight of up to 3200t with the speed of up to 140 km/h and pas­sen­ger tra­ins with the speed of up to 200 km/h.

Tech­ni­cal para­me­ters of GRIFFIN are tailo­red to users’ indi­vi­dual requ­ire­ments. It is cha­rac­te­ri­sed by the highest safety level, full ame­ni­ties, high com­fort of the driver’s work, and the intel­li­gent sys­tem of energy mana­ge­ment. Thanks to its modu­lar struc­ture, GRIFFIN is offe­red in seve­ral ver­sions based on maxi­mum num­ber of com­mon com­po­nents.

Some of the basic featu­res of GRIFFIN inc­lude motors powe­red by IGTB-based trac­tion inver­ters, the on-board dia­gno­stics sys­tem with com­pre­hen­sive visual infor­ma­tion and a data recor­ding module or the camera sys­tem. The loco is adap­ted for ERTMS and GSM-R installation. Meeting the EU and UIC requ­ire­ments, the loco­mo­tive has not lost ano­ther of its major advan­ta­ges, namely its com­pe­ti­tive price.


Per­for­mance characteristics

  • Tech­ni­cal para­me­ters tailo­red to users’ indi­vi­dual need
  • Capa­ble of pul­ling fre­ight tra­ins of the maxi­mum weight of up to 3200t as well as pas­sen­ger tra­ins with the maxi­mum weight of up to 800t
  • Asyn­chro­nous drive
  • Motors powe­red by IGBT-based inverters
  • Microprocessor-based ste­ering system
  • On-board dia­gno­stic sys­tem with full visual infor­ma­tion and a data recor­ding module


  • Mono­block whe­els with a nomi­nal dia­me­ter of 1250 mm
  • Bra­king discs fixed on both sides of the wheel
  • Asyn­chro­nous trac­tion cage motors with power of 1400 kW each
  • Inde­pen­dent cooling of each motor
  • Spur gear
  • Axle bearing with coni­cal rol­ler bearings, tem­pe­ra­ture and speed sensors

Loco body

  • Inte­gral welded design
  • Crum­ple zones
  • Sa­fety cage in driver’s cab
  • Anti-climbing sys­tem; Modu­lar structure
  • Roof divi­ded into three sec­tions offe­ring easy access to the machi­nery compartment
  • Ergo­no­mic, two-persons loco cab

High vol­tage elec­tri­cal circuits

  • Two or four single-arm pan­to­gra­phs with inde­pen­dent con­trol sys­tem and anti-drop system
  • Highly relia­ble UR26 high-speed cur­rent limi­ting air cir­cuit bre­aker made by Secheron
  • Inter­fe­rence filters
  • Trac­tion trans­for­mer to lower the over­head line vol­tage of 15 kV16,7Hz or 25kV/50Hz suita­ble for trac­tion converters
  • Two blocks of power sup­ply to the drive, each equ­ip­ped with two AC/DC converters
  • Three-phase inver­ters with IGBT trans­i­stors and a DC/DC conver­ter to adjust electro-dynamic bre­aking power

Low-voltage elec­tri­cal circuits

  • 24V con­stant vol­tage obta­ined from an addi­tio­nal bat­tery char­ger powe­red with 3×440 V. Pro­vi­ding power sup­ply to: ste­ering cir­cu­its, high-speed circuit-breaker, measu­ring conver­ters con­trol sys­tem, bat­tery char­ging sys­tem, con­trol panel equ­ip­ment, pneu­ma­tic ste­ering sys­tem, inte­rior and exte­rior ligh­ting, wind­screen wipers
  • Top-class 335Ah FNC bat­tery system
  • Loss of sup­ply from the over­head line does not lead to swit­ching off exter­nal ligh­ting for 5 hours. When not used, the con­trol sys­tem swit­ches off all unne­ces­sary rece­ivers to save power

Loco dia­gno­stic and control:

  • Micro­pro­ces­sor — based con­trol system
  • Main loco controller
  • Drive con­trol­ler
  • Two inde­pen­dent panels to display drive para­me­ters and dia­gno­stics in each cab
  • Event recor­der syn­chro­ni­zed to the elec­tro­nic speedometer
  • Ready for GPS-based equ­ip­ment sho­wing dia­gno­stic data


  • Two two-axle bogies in the Bo’Bo ’ sys­tem with indi­vi­dual drive for each axis
  • Welded hollow-girder frame construction
  • Trans­mis­sion of trac­tion force thro­ugh the pin and draft bar atta­ched to the frame
  • Lubri­ca­tion sys­tem for wheel flan­ges with bio­de­gra­da­ble grease


  • Pri­mary level: two sets of coil springs moun­ted direc­tly on both sides of the whe­el­set axle box
  • Secon­dary level: set of large-scale spi­ral fle­xi­coil springs
  • Hydrau­lic shock absor­bers for muf­fling ver­ti­cal vibrations


  • Nad­zór nad pracą lokomotywy.
  • Zada­wa­nie siły pociągowej.
  • Pełna auto­ma­ty­za­cja pro­cesu jazdy z utrzy­ma­niem pręd­ko­ści zada­nej przez maszynistę.
  • Pro­cesy roz­ru­chu i hamo­wa­nia kon­tro­lo­wane przez układ prze­ciw­po­śli­zgowy z indy­wi­du­al­nym dzia­ła­niem na każdy zestaw kołowy.
  • Ste­ro­wa­nie ukła­dem pneumatyki.
  • Regu­la­cja siły hamo­wa­nia elektrodynamicznego.

Technical data

Axle configuration
Supply voltage
DC 3 kV / AC 15kV 16,7 Hz; AC 25 kV 50Hz / DC 3 kV; AC 15 kV 16,7 Hz; AC 25 kV 50 Hz / DIESEL
Continuous power
5,6 MW / 2,3 MW
Maximum train weight
3 200 t
Maximum speed
160 km h / 200 km/h
Starting tractive effort
310 kN / 248 kN
Train speed at gross weight – train 500t profile 0‰
160 km/h / 200 km/h
Train speed at gross weight – train 2400t profile 0‰
135 km/h / 80 km/h
Train speed at gross weight – train 2400t elevation 6‰
80 km/h / 35 km/h
Train speed at gross weight – train 3200t profile 0‰
120 km/h / 70 km/h
Track width
1435 mm
Service weight
79 t / 84 t / 88 t / 79 t
Maximum axle load
196 kN / 208 kN / 220 kN
Nominal wheel tread diameter
1250 mm
Loco length with buffers
19 900 mm
Clearance gauge
UIC 505-1