NEWAG S.A. con­ducts over­hauls and perio­di­cal repa­irs of all pas­sen­ger car types: com­part­ment cars, open coach cars, sle­eping cars, dining cars, buf­fet cars and pas­sen­ger cars for people with impa­ired mobility.

Moder­ni­sa­tion of the 168A pas­sen­ger car is an exam­ple of imple­men­ting latest design trends appe­aring on Polish rail­way tracks. The pas­sen­ger com­part­ment inte­rior has obta­ined a truly modern look due to the appli­ca­tion of modu­lar polyester-glass panels. Unob­tru­sive, suita­ble ligh­ting, ergo­no­mic seats, air-tight win­dows signi­fi­can­tly redu­cing noise, fit­ted with day and night blinds, have resul­ted in an ele­gant and com­for­ta­ble look.

Desi­gners have also added incre­ased car wall insu­la­tion, which has signi­fi­can­tly impro­ved the car’s ther­mal and aco­ustic para­me­ters. While tra­vel­ling pas­sen­gers can devote their time to work in peace and quiet because each seat has been equ­ip­ped with a soc­ket ena­bling pas­sen­gers to plug in a lap­top or a mobile phone.

The 168A pas­sen­ger car was cre­ated fol­lo­wing the over­haul and moder­ni­sa­tion of the 111 A com­part­ment pas­sen­ger car. The result of the over­haul and moder­ni­sa­tion was an open coach second class pas­sen­ger car adap­ted to needs of disa­bled pas­sen­gers on wheelchairs.


Pas­sen­ger area

  • Modern, attrac­tive and func­tio­nal inte­rior made of modu­lar polyester-glass material.
  • Fit­ted with modern air-tight win­dows with incre­ased noise reduc­tion and night blinds, signi­fi­can­tly impro­ving tra­vel­ling comfort.
  • One soc­ket between two seats to plug in a lap­top, mobile phone, etc.
  • Modern and func­tio­nal lug­gage racks with indi­vi­dual lights over seats.
  • Ple­asant com­part­ment lighting.
  • Two pla­ces adap­ted to pas­sen­gers with impa­ired mobi­lity (on wheelchairs).


  • Toilets with her­me­ti­cally sealed reten­tion tanks.
  • Two toilets, one for disa­bled pas­sen­gers, com­pliant with the TSI requ­ire­ments and equ­ip­ped with neces­sary hand rails, han­dholds and con­trol devices.
  • The big­ger toilet equ­ip­ped with a fol­ded infant chan­ging station.
  • Stainless-steel wash­ba­sins and toilet bowls.
  • Frost pro­tec­tion sys­tem of the water piping.
  • Pleasant-looking, modu­lar panel­led inte­rior made of polyester-glass mate­rials faci­li­ta­ting cleaning.

Per­for­mance characteristics

  • Car desi­gned to han­dle dome­stic IC pas­sen­ger transit.
  • New blow-air heating sys­tem and air-conditioning.
  • Power sys­tem fit­ted with an elec­tro­sta­tic multiple-voltage converter.
  • Microprocessor-controlled front door pro­vi­ding a high degree of reliability.
  • Incre­ased car wall insu­la­tion con­si­de­ra­bly impro­ving its ther­mal and aco­ustic parameters.
  • Modern pas­sen­ger infor­ma­tion system.

Technical data

Overall length (over buffers)
24 500 mm
38 t
Maximum speed
160 km/h
Open coach 2nd class with places for passengers with reduced mobility (on wheelchairs)
Number of seats
56 + 2 for wheelchairs
Type of used bogies
Brake Type
Fablok FL-R, block brake
Type of heating used
Blow air heating