
Sentimental trip to Newag

I am very sur­pri­sed and ama­zed by what I can see here. I used to work here from 1948 to  1990.
First, I was an appren­tice, then an employee and later a voca­tio­nal instruc­tor. I wor­ked as a voca­tio­nal instruc­tor for 30 years. But since I reti­red in 1990, this plant has chan­ged dra­ma­ti­cally. It is incre­di­ble how beau­ti­ful it looks. I admire this pro­duc­tion hall. And where are the people? In the past, the whole gro­ups moved aro­und the plant and it was very noisy, and now, it is quiet, I can’t see any people but the work is going at full speed, 
said Euge­niusz Cie­trzew­ski,  who visi­ted the plant on Fri­day, Novem­ber 29, 2013.

Mr Zbi­gniew Konie­czek, NEWAG’s Pre­si­dent of the Board, welco­med all the guests.
The year of 2013 and NEWAG’s laun­ching its IPO at the stock exchange is the time when we must sum­ma­rise some issues, look back and think about those who, among others, have con­tri­bu­ted to it, said NEWAG ‘s Pre­si­dent.  We have deci­ded that people who often wor­ked here all their lives, those who have built it, sho­uld be able to see for them­se­lves what has hap­pe­ned to their efforts. We want them to visit their old work­pla­ces, to see how we ope­rate, to see some new tech­no­logy and to feel appreciated.

Nearly 400 reti­red employ­ees of NEWAG (for­merly ZNTK) accep­ted the  invi­ta­tion from the Pre­si­dent, Zbi­gniew Konie­czek and Vice Pre­si­dent  Wie­sław Piwo­war. They liste­ned to the pre­sen­ta­tion about Newag’s  pre­sent day and plans for the future with great inte­rest and emo­tion. For­mer employ­ees could not reco­gnise their pla­ces of work.

I am sim­ply shoc­ked that eve­ry­thing here is so neat and tidy and that one can work here as if one were at home, in one’ s room. It is so clean here, so beau­ti­ful. I’m shoc­ked that when I  wor­ked here, Mr Konie­czek was just a nor­mal employee but now he has mana­ged to do so much, said Sta­ni­sława Micha­lik, who used to work at  ZNTK from 1950 to 1972.

At the conc­lu­sion of the meeting, Mr Konie­czek than­ked all the for­mer employ­ees for their work and con­tri­bu­tion to the history of the company.