
“Sądecka Dycha” — Nowy Sącz 10-kilometre street race for NEWAG President’s Cup

Favo­ura­ble weather attrac­ted many con­te­stants as well as spec­ta­tors to the street race for the NEWAG President’s Cup which took place on Octo­ber 6, 2013. The event, held for the fifth time this year, pro­ved that the deci­sion to orga­nise it was the right one.

When “Sądecka Dycha” — the Nowy Sącz street race was orga­ni­sed for the first time five years ago, it attrac­ted 150 par­ti­ci­pants. Yester­day, the 10-kilometre long distance  was cove­red by 379 run­ners from Poland and abroad e.g., from Ukra­ine, Kenya, Ethio­pia, Bela­rus and Slo­va­kia. Apart from pro­fes­sio­nal run­ners (offi­cially licen­sed by the Polish Ath­le­tics Asso­cia­tion) the street race also attrac­ted  nume­rous ama­teurs who treat run­ning  as a leisure acti­vity. When com­pa­red to the past events, the num­ber of run­ners repre­sen­ting our region has incre­ased significantly.

As usual, the race route led from the Stary Sącz  mar­ket squ­are to the Nowy Sącz Town hall. Eli­sha Kipro­tich from Kenya was the first at the finish line, having cove­red the ten kilo­me­tre distance in 29 minu­tes and 21 seconds, thus beating the 29 minu­tes and 55 second record set by Jakub Bur­ghardt from Muszyna in 2009.

Final results:  – 10 km – open: 1. Eili­sha Kipro­tich Sawe (Kenya) 00:29:29, 2. Szy­mon Kulka (ULKS Lipinki) 00:30:16, 3. James Meli Che­ru­iyot (Kenya) 00:31:42, 4.Bartosz Gor­czyca (Skoł­szyn) 00:32:04, 5. Kac­per Piech (Biała Pod­la­ska) 00:32:10, 6. Tomasz Kawik (Brenna) 00:32:40. Women: 1. Hel­len Jep­kos­gei Kimu­tai (Ethio­pia) 00:35:10, 2. Chri­stine Chep­ke­mei (Ethio­pia) 00:35:13, 3. Anna Wojna (ULKS Lipinki) 00:35:46, 4. Kata­rzyna Albrycht (Kro­ścienko) 00:36:11, 5. Gabriela Rolka (Nowy Sącz) 00:38:45, 6. Iza­bela Zator­ska (Wro­canka) 00:39:10.

The Nowy Sącz street race is orga­ni­sed by Marian Ryżak, a mara­thon run­ner, who works  at NEWAG S.A.,  and the event is spon­so­red by NEWAG S.A.

Photos: Jerzy Cebula,