

We are a reliable partner of many international concerns such as General Electric, Siemens AG, Stadler AG and Bombardier. Thanks to its experience in implementing innovative technological solutions, NEWAG S.A. is a reliable partner of many Interna­tional concerns such as General Electric, Siemens AG, Stadler AG and Bombardier.

The company has cooperated with the lead­ing European rail industry concerns on im­plementing strategic projects. In a joint project with Siemens AG, NEWAG S.A. implemented a PLN 1.07 billion con­tract for delivery of subway trains for War­saw Metro and together with Stadler AG, it implemented a contract for the deliv­ery and maintenance of 20 EMUs for PKP Intercity – the contract value exceeded PLN 1.6 billion.

NEWAG’s collaboration with an American concern General Electric (2004-2007) result­ed in modernisation of several dozen ST44 locomotives. Subassemblies, the so-called “skids” were supplied by GE and NEWAG S.A. used them in the process of locomotive modernisation.

At present, NEWAG S.A. in consortium with SIEMENS is implementing a contract signed in 2015 for supplying 20 three-section un­derground trains for METROPOLITAN EAD from Sofia, Bulgaria. The Carrier, apart from the vehicles for transporting passengers in Bulgarian capital, will also receive a traffic control system. The value of the contract exceeds PLN 0.9 billion.

We strive to streng­then sys­te­ma­ti­cally our posi­tion on the mar­ket of rol­ling stock sup­pliers. The major goal of our busi­ness ope­ra­tions is to manu­fac­ture and repair rail vehic­les in accor­dance with requ­ire­ments and expec­ta­tions of our Clients. With due dili­gence we pro­vide to our Clients pro­ducts and servi­ces which are well-manufactured, modern and ensu­ring pas­sen­gers’ safety.

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