
Presentation of First IMPULS 2 for ŁKA

Newag S.A. in Nowym Sączu has pro­du­ced the first IMPULS EMU orde­red by Łódzka Kolei Aglo­me­ra­cyj­na [Łódź Com­mu­ter Rail­ways]. This train ope­ra­tor will be the first in Poland to rece­ive the new gene­ra­tion train. IMPULS 2 will be lon­ger, even more relia­ble and com­for­ta­ble. It will start trans­por­ting pas­sen­gers from Decem­ber this year.

Łódzka Kolej Aglo­me­ra­cyjna (ŁKA) orde­red 14 three-section EMUs from NEWAG. The first train was offi­cially pre­sen­ted on 18 June at the com­pany Nowy Sącz headqu­ar­ters. It will com­mence test rides in Kra­ków in late June and on the test track in Żmigród in early July. The Euro­pean pre­miere of the EMU will take place in Ber­lin during INNOTRANS Inter­na­tio­nal Rail Fair. The train will also be pre­sen­ted in Łódź in September.

The deli­very of IMPULS 2 EMUs will start the second stage of the deve­lop­ment of Łódzka Kolej Aglo­me­ra­cyj­na. The new tra­ins will ena­ble the car­rier to deve­lop its network of con­nec­tions to inc­lude new towns in the Łódź Pro­vince. Thanks to ŁKA and the record results achie­ved in pas­sen­ger trans­port in 2017, Łódź Pro­vince had the big­gest rail trans­port growth in Poland,’ said Witold Stę­pień, Mar­shal of Łódz Pro­vince. “It can be seen that resi­dents appre­ciate the new rol­ling stock and high com­fort of tra­vel­ling,’ he added.

IMPULS 2 EMUs are cutting-edge tra­ins. One can easily notice the dif­fe­ren­ces between these tra­ins and the first gene­ra­tion of IMPULS trains.

“We are very glad to be able to pre­sent the first IMPULS 2 train manu­fac­tu­red for the Łódź Pro­vince in the pre­sence of Witold Ste­pień, Mar­shal of Łódz Pro­vince and Janusz Mali­now­ski, CEO of Łódzka Kolej Aglo­me­ra­cyj­na.  We are convin­ced that our exten­sive expe­rience in using IMPULS Elec­tric Mul­ti­ple Units guaran­tee very high  relia­bi­lity and ava­ila­bi­lity of the second gene­ra­tion of IMPULS tra­ins. The vehicle pre­sen­ted today meets all the requ­ire­ments of the Tech­ni­cal Spe­ci­fi­ca­tions for Inte­ro­pe­ra­bi­lity (2014), ensu­ring com­for­ta­ble and safe tra­vel­ling for pas­sen­gers,’ said Józef Micha­lik, Deputy Pre­si­dent of NEWAG S.A.

The tra­ins for ŁKA will feature such novel faci­li­ties as the kids zone with a board game table top and a dice, she­lves under win­dows in vis-a-vis seat arran­ge­ment, defi­bril­la­tors and num­be­red seats.

‘When pre­pa­ring the public ten­der for the new tra­ins, we took into con­si­de­ra­tion our expe­rien­ces as well as pas­sen­gers’ sug­ge­stions. We are trans­por­ting more and more pas­sen­gers that is why we deci­ded to order lon­ger, three-section tra­ins,’ said Janusz Mali­now­ski, CEO of Łódzka Kolej Aglo­me­ra­cyj­na. ‘The highest pas­sen­ger den­sity is in Łódź agglo­me­ra­tion the­re­fore the tra­ins will be low-floored with a big num­ber of doors, which will faci­li­tate pas­sen­ger exchange. Our goal is to pro­mote new solu­tions and com­fort: the IMPULS tra­ins will feature free wi-fi, elec­tric soc­kets with USB char­gers, tic­ket machi­nes, moni­tors and spa­ces for trans­por­ting bicyc­les,’ he adds.

Star­ting from Decem­ber, the new tra­ins will serve the routes in the Łódź Pro­vince: to Piotr­ków Try­bu­nal­ski, Radom­sko and Toma­szów Mazo­wiec­ki. ŁKA will also serve the routes in the nor­thern part of the pro­vince: Skier­nie­wice – Łowicz – Kutno.

The gross value of the con­tract is PLN 266,968,762.35. Łódzka Kolej Aglo­me­ra­cyjna obta­ined co-financing amo­un­ting to PLN 164,586,425.39 for imple­men­ting this inve­st­ment pro­ject from the Regio­nal Ope­ra­tio­nal Pro­gramme for Łódź Pro­vince. NEWAG will also be respon­si­ble for main­ta­ining the EMUs for twe­lve years.