
Passion for culture

With stan­ding ova­tion, Kraków’s audience par­ted with the Kra­ków Phil­har­mo­nic Orche­stra at the end of the 70th jubi­lee arti­stic season.

On Satur­day, June 20, 2015, the Kra­ków Phil­har­mo­nic offi­cially fini­shed the 2014/2015 arti­stic season. The final con­cert, con­duc­ted by maestro Antoni Wit, honorary con­duc­tor, featu­red frag­ments of the world’s famous opera reper­to­ire: The Huntsmen’s Cho­rus from Der Fre­ischütz by Weber, the cho­rus from Don Pasqu­ale by Doni­zetti, the final scene of Gounod’s Faust, mazur­kas from The Houn­ted Manor by Moniuszko, Polo­vt­sian dan­ces from Prince Igor by Boro­din and  all-time favo­uri­tes – walt­zes from The Gypsy Baron by Johan­nes Strauss II.

The music eve­ning was pre­ce­ded by the pre­sen­ta­tion of the patrons, spon­sors and part­ners of the Kra­ków Phil­har­mo­nic, which have sup­por­ted this insti­tu­tion in its jubi­lee 70th arti­stic season. NEWAG S.A.  – the patron of the Kra­ków Phil­har­mo­nic, rece­ived a com­me­mo­ra­tive sta­tu­ette desi­gned espe­cially for this occa­sion by Bar­bara Ber­niak of the Kra­ków Aca­demy of Fine Arts.