
Passengers used to be shocked by new 14WE trains manufactured by Newag

10th anni­ver­sary of Szybka Kolej Miej­ska [SKM– War­saw Fast City Rail]

The Fale­nica line mar­ked the begin­ning. A decade ago, the only rail­way line which could be used by SKM was War­szawa Zachod­nia – Fale­nica route.
“We sche­du­led the first pas­sen­ger service on this route for Octo­ber 3, 2005. It was deci­ded that there will be two lines because we only had two tra­ins at our dispo­sal: one we had bor­ro­wed from Gdy­nia and the only new train manu­fac­tu­red by Newag,” recol­lec­ted Jerzy Obręb­ski, Mem­ber of the Board of SKM. “My task was to do eve­ry­thing so that the tra­ins would set off on time. We were under huge stress.”

“EN71 was a train manu­fac­tu­red in the 1960s,” recol­lec­ted Grze­gorz Chra­niuk, train mana­ger employed at Szybka Kolej Miej­ska in 2005. “Before it was put in ope­ra­tion, it had been cove­red with a wrap in SKM War­saw colo­urs. It was defec­tive but the worst thing was that it was old and bat­te­red. Pas­sen­gers did not want to board such a wreck. Luc­kily, our fleet was soon joined by new 14WE elec­tric mul­ti­ple units orde­red in Nowy Sącz. They had a stre­am­li­ned body and were pain­ted in white and light blue colo­urs with a cha­rac­te­ri­stic orange stripe (the train colo­urs would be chan­ged a few years later). The open-floor inte­rior of Newag-manufactured EMU was well-lit, its seats bore the SKL logo. Newag’s desi­gners mana­ged to decre­ase the noise level inside the train, which signi­fi­can­tly enhan­ced the com­fort of travelling.”

Pas­sen­gers were shoc­ked by the super-modern appe­arance of the new 14WE tra­ins. They were air-conditioned so we had to make sure pas­sen­gers did not open win­dows,” added Grze­gorz Chra­niuk. “People used to come to see the inte­rior of the driver’s cab at train stops (…) And they were sur­pri­sed that the train dri­ver remem­be­red to anno­unce each train stop – they did not believe that it was a recor­ded message.”

This year SKM — War­saw Fast City Rail is cele­bra­ting its 10th anni­ver­sary and took this oppor­tu­nity to honour its selec­ted sup­pliers and busi­ness part­ners. NEWAG S.A., which so far has sup­plied more than half of the SKM rol­ling stock i.e., 19 elec­tric mul­ti­ple units, was reco­gni­zed for its long-term pro­fes­sio­nal cooperation.