
Passengers from Opole Province testing IMPULS train

Today the first pas­sen­gers could test the first three-unit IMPULS 36WEa manu­fac­tu­red for Opole Pro­vince by Newag S.A. Altho­ugh an offi­cial  han­ding over cere­mony is sche­du­led for August 26 this year, Mar­shal of the Pro­vince and repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of the Pro­vince Board accom­pa­nied pas­sen­gers during the test ride of the new train on the route between the Kędzierzyn-Koźle  and Wrocław.

The leaders of the Pro­vince expres­sed their enthu­siasm: Mar­shal Andrzej Buła cal­led the train “our regio­nal pen­do­lino” and a mem­ber of the board empha­si­zed the fact that the train was in 90% manu­fac­tu­red in Poland.

Impuls 36 WEa tra­ins for Opole Pro­vince are fit­ted with cutting-edge drive and bra­king sys­tems, air-conditioning, modern audio-video pas­sen­ger infor­ma­tion sys­tem and a moni­to­ring sys­tem. Pas­sen­gers, tra­vel­ling in com­for­ta­ble con­di­tions, can charge their elec­tric equ­ip­ment thanks to AC 230V elec­tric soc­kets fit­ted on each of 176 cha­irs and use free Wi-Fi. The tra­ins are adju­sted to trans­por­ting pas­sen­gers with redu­ced mobi­lity and bicyc­les. The tra­ins tra­vel with a maxi­mum speed of 160km/h, and recen­tly, they have beaten the speed record reaching 226km/h.

Under the con­tract, by the end of this year Newag will sup­ply  three tra­ins to Opole Pro­vince and the rema­ining two until 31.01.2018. Pro­vin­cial autho­ri­ties may also use an option for two addi­tio­nal tra­ins to be deli­ve­red until 10.12.2018. The total value of the con­tract exce­eds PLN 88 mil­lion.  The con­tract will be fun­ded from four sour­ces: the bud­get of Opol­skie Pro­vince, spe­ci­fic rese­rve in the State bud­get, the Rail­way Fund and the Regio­nal Ope­ra­tio­nal Pro­gramme for Opole Pro­vince for the years 2014–2020 which will pro­vide EUR 15.5 million.

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Passengers from Opole Province testing IMPULS train