  • 35WE
  • 45WE
  • 31WE
  • 36WE
  • 37WE

The Elec­tric Mul­ti­ple Units from the ‘Impuls’ family are low-floor,  open coach vehic­les equ­ip­ped with a full inte­rior moni­to­ring sys­tem, air-conditioning, modern pas­sen­ger infor­ma­tion sys­tem and, as requ­ested, with tic­ket dispen­sers and tic­ket punchers. Their inte­rior was adju­sted to the needs of pas­sen­gers with impa­ired mobi­lity: it featu­res ramps, fol­ded steps, lifts, broad aisles and a desi­gna­ted space for whe­el­cha­irs and bicyc­les.

In the vehicle,  motor bogies are used as well as Jacobs bogies (moun­ted between each two cars).

The bogies have a modern  gear sys­tem and two-stage spring suspen­sion sys­tems that effec­ti­vely muf­fles vibra­tions, thus enhan­cing pas­sen­gers’ com­fort while travelling.

Available train configurations

The ‘Impuls’ Elec­tric Mul­ti­ple Units family can be manu­fac­tu­red in nume­rous con­fi­gu­ra­tions. Depen­ding on custo­mers’ needs, we pro­vide tra­ins con­si­sting of two sec­tions (EZT 37 WE), three sec­tions (EZT 36WE), four sec­tions (EZT 31 WE) and six sec­tions (EZT 35 WE).

Apart from the dif­fe­rent tra­in­set length, various pas­sen­ger com­part­ment inte­rior lay­out options are ava­ila­ble, which makes it possi­ble for the EMUs to be used not only as com­mu­ter and sub­ur­ban tra­ins but also on long distance routes.

6 units

The six-section EMU was the first train from the ‘Impuls’ family manu­fac­tu­red by Newag in 2012. It is fit­ted with four motor bogies and four Jacobs bogies (axle con­fi­gu­ra­tion Bo’2’2’Bo’+Bo’2’2’Bo’). It is powe­red by eight trac­tion motors of the total power out­put of 3200kW, which ena­bles it to tra­vel with the speed of up to 160 km/h.
The train total length inc­lu­ding couplings is 113 600 mm, and the length of the pas­sen­ger com­part­ment is 92 300 mm.

The ‘Impuls’ 35WE tra­ins trans­port pas­sen­gers of SKM War­szawa and Koleje Śląskie. Their total pas­sen­ger capa­city is 922 people inc­lu­ding 218 seating capacity.

5 units

A five-section Impuls 45WE is the latest train of its type manu­fac­tu­red at NEWAG S.A. which is com­pliant with TSI, the latest strict Euro­pean Union stan­dards. In August 2015, Impuls 45WE manu­fac­tu­red for Koleje Mazo­wiec­kie broke the speed record (226 km/h) on the test track and has been so far the fastest pas­sen­ger train pro­du­ced in Poland.

45WE is equ­ip­ped with two motor bogies and four Jacobs bogies (axle con­fi­gu­ra­tion Bo’2’2’2’2’Bo’). It is powe­red by four 500kW trac­tion motors, giving the total power out­put of 2000kW, which ena­bles it to tra­vel with the speed of up to 160 km/h. The total pas­sen­ger capa­city exce­eds 500 pas­sen­gers inc­lu­ding 219 seating capa­city. Since June 2015, it has been servi­cing the War­szawa – Skier­nie­wice route ope­ra­ted by Koleje Mazowieckie.

4 units

One year later, in 2013, Newag manu­fac­tu­red ano­ther train from the ‘Impuls’ family, namely a four-section ‘Impuls’ 31WE, which can trans­port 458 pas­sen­gers, inc­lu­ding 202 seated pas­sen­gers.
The first five tra­ins were pro­du­ced as orde­red by Koleje Dolnośląskie.

The ‘Impuls’ 31 WE is fit­ted with two motor bogies and three Jacobs bogies (axle con­fi­gu­ra­tion Bo’2’2’2’Bo’). It is powe­red by four trac­tion motors of the total power out­put of 2000 kW.
The train total length inc­lu­ding couplings is 74 400 mm, and the length of the pas­sen­ger com­part­ment is 59 600 mm.

Ano­ther four-section ‘Impuls’ tra­ins were orde­red by Zachod­nia Grupa Zaku­powa [Western Pro­cu­re­ment Group]. The tra­ins which are cur­ren­tly in ope­ra­tion service the Szcze­cin – Poznań and Szcze­cin– Słupsk routes. They were desi­gned to trans­port 436 pas­sen­gers, inc­lu­ding 208 seated pas­sen­gers. They are cha­rac­te­ri­zed by com­part­men­ta­li­zed interior.

3 units

The tree-section ‘Impuls’ is fit­ted with two motor bogies and two Jacobs bogies (axle con­fi­gu­ra­tion Bo’2’2’Bo’). Its four trac­tion motors of the total power out­put of 1600 kW ena­ble it to tra­vel at a speed of up to 160 km/h. Its pas­sen­ger capa­city is 330, inc­lu­ding 170 seating capa­city. The train total length inc­lu­ding couplings is 58 400 mm.
The first three-section train was orde­red by the Marshal’s Office of the Pod­kar­pac­kie Pro­vince and was com­mis­sio­ned to be ope­ra­ted by Prze­wozy Regio­nalne. It servi­ces the Rze­szów – Prze­myśl route.

The train ver­sion mar­ked 36WEa will be the first train in Poland to be appro­ved for com­pliance with the Tech­ni­cal Spe­ci­fi­ca­tions for Inte­ro­pe­ra­bi­lity (TSI).

2 units

It is the smal­lest train of the ‘Impuls’ family dedi­ca­ted to servi­cing elec­tri­fied train routes with small pas­sen­ger stre­ams. The two-section Impuls with the Bo’2’Bo’ axle con­fi­gu­ra­tion (two motor bogies, one Jacobs bogie) is fit­ted with the drive of 1600 kW, which ena­bles it to reach the ope­ra­tio­nal speed of 160 km/h and to acce­le­rate fast. The train length inc­lu­ding couplings is 42 400 mm.

While desi­gning the inte­rior, all suc­cess­ful solu­tions used in the 36WE and 31WE tra­ins were used. The train meets pas­sen­gers’ expec­ta­tions con­cer­ning boar­ding from plat­forms of varied height as well as boar­ding for pas­sen­gers with impa­ired mobi­lity. The train can be ope­ra­ted in mul­ti­ple trac­tion with other tra­ins from the ‘Impuls’ family.

The two-section tra­ins star­ted trans­por­ting pas­sen­gers of the Pod­kar­pa­cie Pro­vince in June 2014. Their pas­sen­ger capa­city is 265 people.

Per­for­mance characteristics:

  • vehicle desi­gned to service urban and regio­nal pas­sen­ger transit;
  • able to tra­vel at spe­eds of up to 160 km/h;
  • attrac­tive, aero­dy­na­mic body shape;
  • modern inte­rior, open coach or compartmentalised;
  • low-floor faci­li­ta­ting boar­ding and de-boarding;
  • modern retention-tank toilets, com­pliant with TSI;
  • high tra­vel com­fort due to the new gear system,
  • automatically-controlled air con­di­tio­ning and heating system.


  • opti­mum trac­tion cha­rac­te­ri­stics thanks to appli­ca­tion of 8 three-phase asyn­chro­nous engi­nes, moun­ted on two end bogies and two inter­me­diate bogies;
  • two-stage trac­tion trans­mis­sion with hol­low shaft and fle­xi­ble axle coupling;
  • indi­vi­dual inver­ter drive moun­ted on every ste­ering bogie;
  • power reco­very to the over­head line during braking

Pas­sen­ger compartment:

  • open coach vehicle (seats and fixtu­res depen­ding on the car pur­pose and client’s specifications);
  • ple­asant and func­tio­nal inte­rior adap­ted to the needs of the disa­bled inc­lu­ding the desi­gna­ted space for wheelchairs;
  • modern LED lighting;
  • inte­rior adap­ted for trans­por­ting bicycles;
  • modern pas­sen­ger infor­ma­tion system;
  • vehicle inte­rior moni­to­ring system;
  • auto­ma­ti­cally con­trol­led air-conditioning and heating system.

Driver’s cab:

  • modern and ergo­no­mic inte­rior with two-operator con­trol panel (for dri­ver and assistant);
  • com­for­ta­ble driver’s seats with an adju­sta­ble footrests;
  • air-conditioned inte­rior;
  • ame­ni­ties inc­lu­ding a fridge, a ket­tle etc.
  • enhan­ced design meeting four sce­na­rios com­pliant with requ­ire­ments of the PN-EN15227:2008 stan­dard for the C-I crashworthiness.