
NEWAG’s made GRIFFIN Locomotive double winner of DOBRY WZÓR 2016 Contest

On 20 Octo­ber 2016 in War­saw there was an offi­cial award cere­mony in this year’s edi­tion of Dobry Wzór [Good Design] con­test orga­ni­sed by Insty­tut Wzor­nic­twa Prze­my­sło­wego [Insti­tute of Indu­strial Design]. The E4MSU Grif­fin elec­tric loco­mo­tive, desi­gned and manu­fac­tu­red by NEWAG S.A. won the DESIGN OF THE YEAR 2016 Award gran­ted by the Polish Mini­ster of Deve­lop­ment and Finance, for the best Polish pro­duct, desi­gned by a Polish desi­gner and pro­du­ced by a Polish manufacturer.

More­over, the E4MSU Grif­fin elec­tric loco­mo­tive became the win­ner of the Good Design 2016  con­test in the Trans­por­ta­tion cate­gory. The con­test jury gran­ted this award appre­cia­ting “not only the cutting-edge on-board dia­gno­stic sys­tem with full visual infor­ma­tion and the data recor­ding module which have been imple­men­ted in the Grif­fin loco­mo­tive” but also empha­si­zed the com­pe­ti­tive price when com­pa­red with fore­ign com­pe­ti­tors as well as an excep­tio­nally aesthe­ti­cally ple­asing and modern look of the body.

The Jury gran­ted the GOOD DESIGN 2016 awards in nine cate­go­ries: Home, Work, Public Space, Servi­ces, New Tech­no­lo­gies, Applied Gra­phics and Pac­ka­ging, New Manu­fac­tu­ring Mate­rials, and for the first time in this edi­tion, Trans­por­ta­tion and Fashion and Acces­so­ries. The orga­ni­sers empha­sise that this year’s 23rd edi­tion of the con­test, orga­ni­zed since 1993, attrac­ted a record num­ber of par­ti­ci­pants who sub­mit­ted 222 pro­ducts and servi­ces. The Jury quali­fied 136 pro­ducts and servi­ces for the final stage of the contest.

The win­ning pro­ducts can be vie­wed free of charge at a post-contest exhi­bi­tion which will run from 21 Octo­ber to 1 Decem­ber 2016 Tues­days thro­ugh Sun­days at the Indu­strial Design Insti­tute on Świę­to­jer­ska 5/7 in Warsaw.