Abouts Us


In 1869, the City Coun­cil of Nowy Sacz deci­des to send a dele­ga­tion to Vienna (with the par­ti­ci­pa­tion of repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of Tar­now) to recruit influ­en­tial poli­ti­cians – Fran­ci­szek Smolka and Julian Duna­jew­ski for the loca­tion of the rail­way thro­ugh Nowy Sacz.

In 1873 in Vienna, Austria-Hungary’s Par­lia­ment deci­ded to build a rail­way Tar­nów — Lviv, length 145.7 km of route run­ning thro­ugh Nowy Sacz.

1876 for the newly-built railways,in Nowy Sacz a tech­ni­cal faci­lity is cre­ated cal­led Impe­rial — Royal Rail­way Work­shops — today NEWAG

Years 1880 1912 a gra­dual expan­sion of the Workshop.

During the First World War, work­shops have not been destroyed. They, rece­ived a new spe­cialty asso­cia­ted with the repair and manu­fac­ture of armo­red tra­ins for the Austro-Hungarian army.


1918 — The first refur­bi­shed loco­mo­tive in inde­pen­dent Poland was the 308 series steam engine.

1922 — the “Work­shop” is rena­medto the “First Class Nowy Sacz Main Work­shop”, which employed about 1,800 people. The com­pany was divi­ded into depart­ments: steam engine, wagon and mechanical.

1939 — anti­ci­pa­ting the events of Sep­tem­ber 1939, some per­son­nel were eva­cu­ated and work­shop equ­ip­ment to Stanislawow


1945 — cle­aring and resto­ra­tion of the work­shops and the launch of pro­duc­tion. 19 April 1945 was put into ope­ra­tion the first steam engine Ty2 series

1950 — Com­pany name chan­ged to the Polish State Rail­ways, Mecha­ni­cal Work­shop No. 3 in Nowy Sacz

1951 — Rena­med “Steam Engine — Wagon Repair Works No. 3 in Nowy Sącz”


1952 The work­shop is trans­for­med into an inde­pen­dent enter­prise after sepa­ra­ting from the PKP struc­tu­res and obta­ins a new name “Zakłady Napraw­cze Taboru Kole­jo­wego w Nowym Sączu”  – ZNTK, (Rol­ling Stock Repair Work­shops in Nowy Sacz)

1963 — reso­lu­tion of the Coun­cil of Mini­sters’ name “Zakłady Napraw­cze Taboru Kole­jo­wego w Nowym Sączu” are selec­ted for repair of die­sel rol­ling stock

1967 — “ZNTK Nowy Sacz” began repa­iring SM30 series locomotives

1972 — in June, a fare­well to the last repa­ired steam engine TKt48-166. In the same year the first SM42 loco­mo­tive was repaired

1976 – The 100th anni­ver­sary of the company


1977 – pre­pa­ra­tions began for the repair of loco­mo­ti­ves SP42, SM48 and SM31

1982 — re-incorporation of the ZNTK to PKP structures

1991 — “Zakłady Napraw­cze Taboru Kole­jo­wego w Nowym Sączu” is beco­ming again an inde­pen­dent state enter­prise sub­or­di­nate to the Mini­stry of Transport


1994 — Nota­rial Deed dated 6 Sep­tem­ber 1994 Mini­ster of Pri­va­ti­za­tion trans­for­mes ZNTK in a joint stock company

1995 — Company’s sha­res are bro­ught to the Natio­nal Inve­st­ment Funds, the majo­rity to X NFI Foksal

Early 2001 is a tense situ­ation, resul­ting from finan­cial dif­fi­cul­ties and a limi­ted num­ber of contracts

2001 — In June by the deci­sion of the Super­vi­sory Board of the Com­pany the mana­ge­ment is  chan­ged and the pro­cess of restruc­tu­ring begins. The same year, the first repa­ired in “ZNTK Nowy Sacz” elec­tric loco­mo­tive No. 379 EU07 was put into operation


2003 — acqu­isi­tion of sha­res by the natio­nal inve­stor. Imple­men­ta­tion of quality sys­tem ISO 9001:2001

2004 — com­mis­sio­ning of the EN57 No. 1806 — the first repa­ired and moder­ni­zed elec­tric mul­ti­ple unit in ZNTK Nowy Sącz

In 2005, the Company’s name is chan­ged from the cur­rent “Zakłady Napraw­cze Taboru Kole­jo­wego w Nowym Sączu” to NEWAG S.A.

2005 — com­mis­sio­ning of the first repa­ired in Nowy Sacz elec­tric mul­ti­ple unit EN71 series

For­mal com­mis­sio­ning of the newly pro­du­ced in our com­pany, an elec­tric mul­ti­ple unit 14WE Series No. 01 for SKM w War­sza­wie Sp. z o.o.


2006 — in May during his first pil­gri­mage to Poland, Pope Bene­dict XVI bles­sed manu­fac­tu­red by us “The Popes Train” being the gra­ti­tude for the pon­ti­fi­cate of John Paul II

2006 — 130 years of  our activity

2007 – Deli­very of the first moder­ni­zed loco­mo­tive 311D based on GE tech­no­logy for use in the LHS Ltd.

Deli­very of the first moder­ni­zed 6Dg loco­mo­tive for ISD Huta Czestochowa

2009 — Rece­iving a cer­ti­fi­cate for a brand new vehicle 19WE pro­du­ced by NEWAG S.A.


2010 — Deli­very of the first moder­ni­zed loco­mo­tive 16D (SM48) to ope­rate in the LHS Ltd. In Poland
Deli­very of moder­ni­zed 6Dg loco­mo­tive to PKP Cargo.

Deli­very of four 19WE vehic­les to SKM War­szawa Sp z o.o.

Pro­duc­tion and deli­very of the first DMUs SA137, SA138 order by the Mar­shal Office of Pomor­skie Voievodeship.

The Polish Busi­ness Club titled us “Com­pany of the 2 decades”


2011 Signing a con­tract between the con­sor­tium con­si­sting of Sie­mens Oester­re­ich and Newag S.A. and the War­saw Metro for sup­ply­ing 35 six-carriage INSPIRO metro trains.

Signing a con­tract between PKP Cargo S.A. and NEWAG S.A. for moder­ni­sing one hun­dred SM42 series locomotives.

Suc­cess­ful com­ple­tion of the cer­ti­fy­ing audit as a result of which Newag S.A. joined the group of com­pa­nies mana­ged accor­ding to the IRIS rev. 2. standard.

Signing a con­tract between Koleje Dol­no­ślą­skie  and Newag S.A. for sup­ply­ing  five 31WE vehicles.

Signing a con­tract between PKP LHS sp. z o.o. and NEWAG S.A. for moder­ni­sing five SM48 die­sel loco­mo­ti­ves for  ope­ra­tion at Linia Hut­ni­cza Sze­ro­ko­to­ro­wa [Broad Gauge Metal­lurgy Line] with regi­ste­red office in Zamość.


2012 — NEWAG S.A. laun­ched the pro­duc­tion of a new NEVELO tram, desi­gna­ted num­ber 126N.

Deli­ve­ring the last of the five IMPULS (35WE) tra­ins for SKM [Fast Urban Rail] Warsaw.

NEWAG S.A. named “Wprost Inno­va­tor of 2012″.

Ope­ning the new pro­duc­tion hall desi­gna­ted to manu­fac­ture INSPIRO tra­ins for the War­saw metro.

Signing a con­tract between Koleje Mazo­wiec­kie and a con­sor­tium com­pri­sing NEWAG S.A. and Zakłady Napraw­cze Taboru Kole­jo­wego “Mińsk Mazo­wiecki” S.A for moder­ni­sing 34 tra­ins of the EN57 vehicles.

Perio­dic repair for 110 pas­sen­ger coaches for PKP Intercity.

Newag named  “The com­pany that trans­forms Polish indu­stry in2012″.


2013 — IMPULS Elec­tric Mul­ti­ple Unit, manu­fac­tu­red by Newag, was the first train in Poland to exceed the speed of 211 km/h.

In June, the first train pro­du­ced for the War­saw metro, left the pro­duc­tion facility.

Signing a con­tract between PKP Cargo S.A. and NEWAG S.A. for moder­ni­sing thirty SM48 (15D) series die­sel locomotives.

Manu­fac­tu­ring  a new 222M Die­sel Mul­ti­ple Unit for Koleje Mazowieckie.

Deli­ve­ring the ninth IMPULS’ (35WE) train for SKM Warsaw.

Signing a con­tract for deli­very of 19 modern, three-section Elec­tric Mul­ti­ple Units for the Pro­vin­ces: Mało­pol­skie, Świę­to­krzy­skie, Pod­kar­pac­kie and Śląskie.

Signing a con­tract with PKP Inter­city for moder­ni­sing twenty SM42 series die­sel locomotives.

INSPIRO manu­fac­tu­red at NEWAG star­ted car­ry­ing pas­sen­gers of the 1st line of the War­saw metro.

5 grud­nia 2013

NEWAG S.A suc­cess­fully laun­ched its IPO at the War­saw Stock Exchange.


2014 — NEWAG S.A. was awarded ‘Forbes Diamond 2014’ granted by Forbes monthly. The company came second in the cate­gory of Mało­pol­ska com­pa­nies and it ran­ked eighth in Poland. According to the ranking by Forbes, NEWAG S.A. is the most dynamically developing company in rail industry.

War­szaw­ska Kolej Dojaz­do­wa ordered six new Electric Multiple Units to be manufactured by Newag S.A.

Four Provinces received modern IMPULS trains manufactured by NEWAG S.A. The con­tract for the deli­very of 19, three-unit Elec­tric Mul­ti­ple Units (EMUs) was signed on 28 August, 2013. The first 10 tra­ins have just been han­ded over to the orde­ring par­ties and the rema­ining nine  EMUs will have been deli­ve­red to Połu­dniowa Grupa Zaku­powa [Southern Pro­cu­re­ment Group] in 2015

Newag signed a contract with Koleje Mazowieckie, its biggest contract in 2014. The contract is for the deli­very of 12 five-unit elec­tric mul­ti­ple units by the end of November 2015. These will be the first five-section EMUs manufactured in Nowy Sącz.

NEWAG S.A. maintained its leading position in the segment of modernizing diesel locomotives. The Nowy Sącz company have modernized a total of 31 locomotives, which again ensured the Company a 100% market share.


2015 — FORBES monthly again awarded NEWAG S.A. with its Diamond. The com­pany came third in the ran­king of big com­pa­nies of Mało­pol­ska Pro­vince and twen­tieth in Poland.

Manu­fac­tu­red at NEWAG, the four-axle E4MSU Grif­fin elec­tric loco­mo­tive, is the first Polish loco­mo­tive to be gran­ted a cer­ti­fi­cate of com­pliance with TSI.

A new Elec­tric Mul­ti­ple Unit (EMU) is being built at NEWAG in Nowy Sącz. Com­mis­sio­ned by War­szaw­ska Kolej Dojaz­dowa  [WKD — War­saw Com­mu­ter Rail], the new six-car vehicle will be cha­rac­te­ri­sed by a uni­que design, func­tio­na­lity and cutting-edge design solutions.

NEWAG S.A., toge­ther with CCC and LPP are, accor­ding to the ran­king of Wprost weekly, the fastest gro­wing Polish com­pa­nies. On June 16, 2015, Zbi­gniew Konie­czek, the Pre­si­dent of the Mana­ge­ment Board, rece­ived the ‘Pol­ski Gepard’ [Polish Che­etah] Award during the gala cere­mony of the “200 Big­gest Polish Com­pa­nies” orga­ni­zed by the weekly.

NEWAG S.A. is increasing its collaboration with universities. The company signed a coope­ra­tion agre­ement with Poli­tech­nika Kra­kow­ska [Cracow Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­sity].

A new record set on Polish railway tracks. NEWAG-manufactured IMPULS 45WE EMU tra­vel­led with a speed of 226km/h along the CMK — Cen­tral Rail Line between Psary and Góra Wło­dow­ska. The IMPULS 45WE manu­fac­tu­red for Koleje Mazo­wiec­kie is the fastest rail vehicle desi­gned and manu­fac­tu­red in Poland.

The fra­me­work agre­ement and the first exe­cu­tive con­tract were signed between FERROVIE DEL SUD EST E SERVIZI AUTOMOBILISTICI s.r.l.- “FSE”,  with regi­ste­red office in Bari, Italy and NEWAG S.A. NEWAG Capi­tal Group will deli­ver to the Con­trac­ting Autho­rity five three-unit IMPULS II elec­tric mul­ti­ple units (EMUs).

Cata­nia in Sicily wit­nes­sed an offi­cial han­ding over cere­mony of Vul­cano tra­ins manu­fac­tu­red by Newag S.A. for Fer­ro­via Cir­cu­met­nea (FCE).


2016 — Mało­pol­skie Province signed a contract with Newag S.A. for a supply of 12 rail vehicles.

Grodzisk Mazowiecki hosted an official handing over ceremony of the first electric multiple unit 39WE manufactured by NEWAG S.A. for War­szaw­ska Kolej Dojazdowa.

NEWAG S.A. celebrated the 140th anniversary of the company’s existence.

In Szcze­ci­n, Olgierd Geble­wicz, Mar­shal of Zachod­nio­po­mor­skie Pro­vince and Zbi­gniew Konie­czek, Pre­sident of the Board of NEWAG S.A, signed a con­tract for the deli­very of 17 IMPULS elec­tric mul­ti­ple units.

NEWAG-made GRIFFIN locomotive became a double winner of DOBRY WZÓR 2016 Contest. The E4MSU Grif­fin elec­tric loco­mo­tive, desi­gned and manu­fac­tu­red by NEWAG S.A. won the DESIGN OF THE YEAR 2016 Award gran­ted by the Polish Mini­ster of Deve­lop­ment and Finance, for the best Polish pro­duct, desi­gned by a Polish desi­gner and pro­du­ced by a Polish manufacturer.

NEWAG first in Poland to get full TSI approval (including TSI CCS). On 16 November this year, NEWAG S.A. rece­ived the first cer­ti­fi­cate of appro­val for ope­ra­tion of  its IMPULS rail vehicle type 31WE-029 and 45WE-014 com­pliant with the Tech­ni­cal Spe­ci­fi­ca­tions for Inte­ro­pe­ra­bi­lity – TSI.

NEWAG pierwszy w Polsce z pełnym dopuszczeniem TSI (w tym TSI CCS). W dniu 16 listo­pada br. NEWAG S.A. otrzy­mał pierw­sze zezwo­le­nie na dopusz­cze­nie do eks­plo­ata­cji dla typu pojazd
kole­jo­wego zgod­nego z Tech­nicz­nymi Spe­cy­fi­ka­cjami Inte­ro­pe­ra-­cyj­no­ści, zwa­nymi „TSI” dla pojaz­dów IMPULS typu 31WE-029 oraz 45WE-014.


2017 — NEWAG S.A. signed a con­tract with Łódzka Kolej Aglo­me­ra­cyjna for the deli­very of 14 tra­ins inc­lu­ding their main­te­nance. The train ope­ra­tor from Łódź is the first car­rier in Poland to rece­ive IMPULS 2 tra­ins — new gene­ra­tion EMUs.

Prodesse in posterum, or a future advantage. NEWAG grants scholarships to the best students of Politechnika Krakowska [Cracow Technical University].

Poli­tech­nika Kra­kow­ska– Cra­cow Uni­ver­sity of Tech­no­logy has a new spe­cia­li­sa­tion in Rail Vehicle Engi­ne­ering in the pro­gramme run by the Insti­tute of Rail Vehic­les at the Faculty of Mecha­ni­cal Engi­ne­ering which is offe­red in col­la­bo­ra­tion with NEWAG – a leading Polish manu­fac­tu­rer of cutting-edge rol­ling stock and with other top com­pa­nies in the rol­ling stock industry.

Urząd Marszałkowski [Marshal Office] of Zachodniopomorskie Province received a golden IMPULS with ECTS 2.


15 listo­pada – Repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of Metro­po­li­tan EAD visi­ted the headqu­ar­ters of NEWAG S.A. in Nowy Sącz to par­ti­ci­pate in the pre­sen­ta­tion of the train for the newly-built under­gro­und line in Sofia, Bul­ga­ria.


In 1869, the City Coun­cil of Nowy Sacz deci­des to send a dele­ga­tion to Vienna (with the par­ti­ci­pa­tion of repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of Tar­now) to recruit influ­en­tial poli­ti­cians – Fran­ci­szek Smolka and Julian Duna­jew­ski for the loca­tion of the rail­way thro­ugh Nowy Sacz.

In 1873 in Vienna, Austria-Hungary’s Par­lia­ment deci­ded to build a rail­way Tar­nów — Lviv, length 145.7 km of route run­ning thro­ugh Nowy Sacz.

1876 for the newly-built railways,in Nowy Sacz a tech­ni­cal faci­lity is cre­ated cal­led Impe­rial — Royal Rail­way Work­shops — today NEWAG

Years 1880 1912 a gra­dual expan­sion of the Workshop.

During the First World War, work­shops have not been destroyed. They, rece­ived a new spe­cialty asso­cia­ted with the repair and manu­fac­ture of armo­red tra­ins for the Austro-Hungarian army.


1918 — The first refur­bi­shed loco­mo­tive in inde­pen­dent Poland was the 308 series steam engine.

1922 — the “Work­shop” is rena­medto the “First Class Nowy Sacz Main Work­shop”, which employed about 1,800 people. The com­pany was divi­ded into depart­ments: steam engine, wagon and mechanical.

1939 — anti­ci­pa­ting the events of Sep­tem­ber 1939, some per­son­nel were eva­cu­ated and work­shop equ­ip­ment to Stanislawow


1945 — cle­aring and resto­ra­tion of the work­shops and the launch of pro­duc­tion. 19 April 1945 was put into ope­ra­tion the first steam engine Ty2 series

1950 — Com­pany name chan­ged to the Polish State Rail­ways, Mecha­ni­cal Work­shop No. 3 in Nowy Sacz

1951 — Rena­med “Steam Engine — Wagon Repair Works No. 3 in Nowy Sącz”


1952 The work­shop is trans­for­med into an inde­pen­dent enter­prise after sepa­ra­ting from the PKP struc­tu­res and obta­ins a new name “Zakłady Napraw­cze Taboru Kole­jo­wego w Nowym Sączu”  – ZNTK, (Rol­ling Stock Repair Work­shops in Nowy Sacz)

1963 — reso­lu­tion of the Coun­cil of Mini­sters’ name “Zakłady Napraw­cze Taboru Kole­jo­wego w Nowym Sączu” are selec­ted for repair of die­sel rol­ling stock

1967 — “ZNTK Nowy Sacz” began repa­iring SM30 series locomotives

1972 — in June, a fare­well to the last repa­ired steam engine TKt48-166. In the same year the first SM42 loco­mo­tive was repaired

1976 – The 100th anni­ver­sary of the company


1977 – pre­pa­ra­tions began for the repair of loco­mo­ti­ves SP42, SM48 and SM31

1982 — re-incorporation of the ZNTK to PKP structures

1991 — “Zakłady Napraw­cze Taboru Kole­jo­wego w Nowym Sączu” is beco­ming again an inde­pen­dent state enter­prise sub­or­di­nate to the Mini­stry of Transport


1994 — Nota­rial Deed dated 6 Sep­tem­ber 1994 Mini­ster of Pri­va­ti­za­tion trans­for­mes ZNTK in a joint stock company

1995 — Company’s sha­res are bro­ught to the Natio­nal Inve­st­ment Funds, the majo­rity to X NFI Foksal

Early 2001 is a tense situ­ation, resul­ting from finan­cial dif­fi­cul­ties and a limi­ted num­ber of contracts

2001 — In June by the deci­sion of the Super­vi­sory Board of the Com­pany the mana­ge­ment is  chan­ged and the pro­cess of restruc­tu­ring begins. The same year, the first repa­ired in “ZNTK Nowy Sacz” elec­tric loco­mo­tive No. 379 EU07 was put into operation


2003 — acqu­isi­tion of sha­res by the natio­nal inve­stor. Imple­men­ta­tion of quality sys­tem ISO 9001:2001

2004 — com­mis­sio­ning of the EN57 No. 1806 — the first repa­ired and moder­ni­zed elec­tric mul­ti­ple unit in ZNTK Nowy Sącz

In 2005, the Company’s name is chan­ged from the cur­rent “Zakłady Napraw­cze Taboru Kole­jo­wego w Nowym Sączu” to NEWAG S.A.

2005 — com­mis­sio­ning of the first repa­ired in Nowy Sacz elec­tric mul­ti­ple unit EN71 series

For­mal com­mis­sio­ning of the newly pro­du­ced in our com­pany, an elec­tric mul­ti­ple unit 14WE Series No. 01 for SKM w War­sza­wie Sp. z o.o.


2006 — in May during his first pil­gri­mage to Poland, Pope Bene­dict XVI bles­sed manu­fac­tu­red by us “The Popes Train” being the gra­ti­tude for the pon­ti­fi­cate of John Paul II

2006 — 130 years of  our activity

2007 – Deli­very of the first moder­ni­zed loco­mo­tive 311D based on GE tech­no­logy for use in the LHS Ltd.

Deli­very of the first moder­ni­zed 6Dg loco­mo­tive for ISD Huta Czestochowa

2009 — Rece­iving a cer­ti­fi­cate for a brand new vehicle 19WE pro­du­ced by NEWAG S.A.


2010 — Deli­very of the first moder­ni­zed loco­mo­tive 16D (SM48) to ope­rate in the LHS Ltd. In Poland
Deli­very of moder­ni­zed 6Dg loco­mo­tive to PKP Cargo.

Deli­very of four 19WE vehic­les to SKM War­szawa Sp z o.o.

Pro­duc­tion and deli­very of the first DMUs SA137, SA138 order by the Mar­shal Office of Pomor­skie Voievodeship.

The Polish Busi­ness Club titled us “Com­pany of the 2 decades”


2011 Signing a con­tract between the con­sor­tium con­si­sting of Sie­mens Oester­re­ich and Newag S.A. and the War­saw Metro for sup­ply­ing 35 six-carriage INSPIRO metro trains.

Signing a con­tract between PKP Cargo S.A. and NEWAG S.A. for moder­ni­sing one hun­dred SM42 series locomotives.

Suc­cess­ful com­ple­tion of the cer­ti­fy­ing audit as a result of which Newag S.A. joined the group of com­pa­nies mana­ged accor­ding to the IRIS rev. 2. standard.

Signing a con­tract between Koleje Dol­no­ślą­skie  and Newag S.A. for sup­ply­ing  five 31WE vehicles.

Signing a con­tract between PKP LHS sp. z o.o. and NEWAG S.A. for moder­ni­sing five SM48 die­sel loco­mo­ti­ves for  ope­ra­tion at Linia Hut­ni­cza Sze­ro­ko­to­ro­wa [Broad Gauge Metal­lurgy Line] with regi­ste­red office in Zamość.


2012 — NEWAG S.A. laun­ched the pro­duc­tion of a new NEVELO tram, desi­gna­ted num­ber 126N.

Deli­ve­ring the last of the five IMPULS (35WE) tra­ins for SKM [Fast Urban Rail] Warsaw.

NEWAG S.A. named “Wprost Inno­va­tor of 2012″.

Ope­ning the new pro­duc­tion hall desi­gna­ted to manu­fac­ture INSPIRO tra­ins for the War­saw metro.

Signing a con­tract between Koleje Mazo­wiec­kie and a con­sor­tium com­pri­sing NEWAG S.A. and Zakłady Napraw­cze Taboru Kole­jo­wego “Mińsk Mazo­wiecki” S.A for moder­ni­sing 34 tra­ins of the EN57 vehicles.

Perio­dic repair for 110 pas­sen­ger coaches for PKP Intercity.

Newag named  “The com­pany that trans­forms Polish indu­stry in2012″.


2013 — IMPULS Elec­tric Mul­ti­ple Unit, manu­fac­tu­red by Newag, was the first train in Poland to exceed the speed of 211 km/h.

In June, the first train pro­du­ced for the War­saw metro, left the pro­duc­tion facility.

Signing a con­tract between PKP Cargo S.A. and NEWAG S.A. for moder­ni­sing thirty SM48 (15D) series die­sel locomotives.

Manu­fac­tu­ring  a new 222M Die­sel Mul­ti­ple Unit for Koleje Mazowieckie.

Deli­ve­ring the ninth IMPULS’ (35WE) train for SKM Warsaw.

Signing a con­tract for deli­very of 19 modern, three-section Elec­tric Mul­ti­ple Units for the Pro­vin­ces: Mało­pol­skie, Świę­to­krzy­skie, Pod­kar­pac­kie and Śląskie.

Signing a con­tract with PKP Inter­city for moder­ni­sing twenty SM42 series die­sel locomotives.

INSPIRO manu­fac­tu­red at NEWAG star­ted car­ry­ing pas­sen­gers of the 1st line of the War­saw metro.

5 grud­nia 2013

NEWAG S.A suc­cess­fully laun­ched its IPO at the War­saw Stock Exchange.


2014 — NEWAG S.A. was awarded ‘Forbes Diamond 2014’ granted by Forbes monthly. The company came second in the cate­gory of Mało­pol­ska com­pa­nies and it ran­ked eighth in Poland. According to the ranking by Forbes, NEWAG S.A. is the most dynamically developing company in rail industry.

War­szaw­ska Kolej Dojaz­do­wa ordered six new Electric Multiple Units to be manufactured by Newag S.A.

Four Provinces received modern IMPULS trains manufactured by NEWAG S.A. The con­tract for the deli­very of 19, three-unit Elec­tric Mul­ti­ple Units (EMUs) was signed on 28 August, 2013. The first 10 tra­ins have just been han­ded over to the orde­ring par­ties and the rema­ining nine  EMUs will have been deli­ve­red to Połu­dniowa Grupa Zaku­powa [Southern Pro­cu­re­ment Group] in 2015

Newag signed a contract with Koleje Mazowieckie, its biggest contract in 2014. The contract is for the deli­very of 12 five-unit elec­tric mul­ti­ple units by the end of November 2015. These will be the first five-section EMUs manufactured in Nowy Sącz.

NEWAG S.A. maintained its leading position in the segment of modernizing diesel locomotives. The Nowy Sącz company have modernized a total of 31 locomotives, which again ensured the Company a 100% market share.


2015 — FORBES monthly again awarded NEWAG S.A. with its Diamond. The com­pany came third in the ran­king of big com­pa­nies of Mało­pol­ska Pro­vince and twen­tieth in Poland.

Manu­fac­tu­red at NEWAG, the four-axle E4MSU Grif­fin elec­tric loco­mo­tive, is the first Polish loco­mo­tive to be gran­ted a cer­ti­fi­cate of com­pliance with TSI.

A new Elec­tric Mul­ti­ple Unit (EMU) is being built at NEWAG in Nowy Sącz. Com­mis­sio­ned by War­szaw­ska Kolej Dojaz­dowa  [WKD — War­saw Com­mu­ter Rail], the new six-car vehicle will be cha­rac­te­ri­sed by a uni­que design, func­tio­na­lity and cutting-edge design solutions.

NEWAG S.A., toge­ther with CCC and LPP are, accor­ding to the ran­king of Wprost weekly, the fastest gro­wing Polish com­pa­nies. On June 16, 2015, Zbi­gniew Konie­czek, the Pre­si­dent of the Mana­ge­ment Board, rece­ived the ‘Pol­ski Gepard’ [Polish Che­etah] Award during the gala cere­mony of the “200 Big­gest Polish Com­pa­nies” orga­ni­zed by the weekly.

NEWAG S.A. is increasing its collaboration with universities. The company signed a coope­ra­tion agre­ement with Poli­tech­nika Kra­kow­ska [Cracow Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­sity].

A new record set on Polish railway tracks. NEWAG-manufactured IMPULS 45WE EMU tra­vel­led with a speed of 226km/h along the CMK — Cen­tral Rail Line between Psary and Góra Wło­dow­ska. The IMPULS 45WE manu­fac­tu­red for Koleje Mazo­wiec­kie is the fastest rail vehicle desi­gned and manu­fac­tu­red in Poland.

The fra­me­work agre­ement and the first exe­cu­tive con­tract were signed between FERROVIE DEL SUD EST E SERVIZI AUTOMOBILISTICI s.r.l.- “FSE”,  with regi­ste­red office in Bari, Italy and NEWAG S.A. NEWAG Capi­tal Group will deli­ver to the Con­trac­ting Autho­rity five three-unit IMPULS II elec­tric mul­ti­ple units (EMUs).

Cata­nia in Sicily wit­nes­sed an offi­cial han­ding over cere­mony of Vul­cano tra­ins manu­fac­tu­red by Newag S.A. for Fer­ro­via Cir­cu­met­nea (FCE).


2016 — Mało­pol­skie Province signed a contract with Newag S.A. for a supply of 12 rail vehicles.

Grodzisk Mazowiecki hosted an official handing over ceremony of the first electric multiple unit 39WE manufactured by NEWAG S.A. for War­szaw­ska Kolej Dojazdowa.

NEWAG S.A. celebrated the 140th anniversary of the company’s existence.

In Szcze­ci­n, Olgierd Geble­wicz, Mar­shal of Zachod­nio­po­mor­skie Pro­vince and Zbi­gniew Konie­czek, Pre­sident of the Board of NEWAG S.A, signed a con­tract for the deli­very of 17 IMPULS elec­tric mul­ti­ple units.

NEWAG-made GRIFFIN locomotive became a double winner of DOBRY WZÓR 2016 Contest. The E4MSU Grif­fin elec­tric loco­mo­tive, desi­gned and manu­fac­tu­red by NEWAG S.A. won the DESIGN OF THE YEAR 2016 Award gran­ted by the Polish Mini­ster of Deve­lop­ment and Finance, for the best Polish pro­duct, desi­gned by a Polish desi­gner and pro­du­ced by a Polish manufacturer.

NEWAG first in Poland to get full TSI approval (including TSI CCS). On 16 November this year, NEWAG S.A. rece­ived the first cer­ti­fi­cate of appro­val for ope­ra­tion of  its IMPULS rail vehicle type 31WE-029 and 45WE-014 com­pliant with the Tech­ni­cal Spe­ci­fi­ca­tions for Inte­ro­pe­ra­bi­lity – TSI.

NEWAG pierwszy w Polsce z pełnym dopuszczeniem TSI (w tym TSI CCS). W dniu 16 listo­pada br. NEWAG S.A. otrzy­mał pierw­sze zezwo­le­nie na dopusz­cze­nie do eks­plo­ata­cji dla typu pojazd
kole­jo­wego zgod­nego z Tech­nicz­nymi Spe­cy­fi­ka­cjami Inte­ro­pe­ra-­cyj­no­ści, zwa­nymi „TSI” dla pojaz­dów IMPULS typu 31WE-029 oraz 45WE-014.


2017 — NEWAG S.A. signed a con­tract with Łódzka Kolej Aglo­me­ra­cyjna for the deli­very of 14 tra­ins inc­lu­ding their main­te­nance. The train ope­ra­tor from Łódź is the first car­rier in Poland to rece­ive IMPULS 2 tra­ins — new gene­ra­tion EMUs.

Prodesse in posterum, or a future advantage. NEWAG grants scholarships to the best students of Politechnika Krakowska [Cracow Technical University].

Poli­tech­nika Kra­kow­ska– Cra­cow Uni­ver­sity of Tech­no­logy has a new spe­cia­li­sa­tion in Rail Vehicle Engi­ne­ering in the pro­gramme run by the Insti­tute of Rail Vehic­les at the Faculty of Mecha­ni­cal Engi­ne­ering which is offe­red in col­la­bo­ra­tion with NEWAG – a leading Polish manu­fac­tu­rer of cutting-edge rol­ling stock and with other top com­pa­nies in the rol­ling stock industry.

Urząd Marszałkowski [Marshal Office] of Zachodniopomorskie Province received a golden IMPULS with ECTS 2.


15 listo­pada – Repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of Metro­po­li­tan EAD visi­ted the headqu­ar­ters of NEWAG S.A. in Nowy Sącz to par­ti­ci­pate in the pre­sen­ta­tion of the train for the newly-built under­gro­und line in Sofia, Bul­ga­ria.

We produce and modernise

Employing modern management solutions, the company puts an emphasis on high quality of its products and services, which can be confirmed by the quality certificates it holds.

„The com­pany that trans­forms Polish indu­stry”

The company’s unpre­ce­den­ted and spec­ta­cu­lar suc­cess achie­ved in a highly com­pe­ti­tive mar­ket domi­na­ted by the world’s rol­ling stock indu­stry giants has been reflec­ted by the reco­gni­tions awar­ded to NEWAG S.A. inc­lu­ding the title “The com­pany that trans­forms Polish indu­stry” gran­ted by the indu­stry press, the For­bes Dia­mond or the title “The Leader of Mało­pol­ska”.