
NEWAG word mark becomes the Community trade mark

On April 24, 2014, the NEWAG word mark was regi­ste­red at the Office for Har­mo­ni­za­tion in the Inter­nal Mar­ket (OHIM) in Ali­cante as a Com­mu­nity trade mark (CTM). The NEWAG CTM offers pro­tec­tion in such areas as rol­ling stock manu­fac­tu­ring, repa­irs, main­te­nance and leasing.

The legal pro­tec­tion gran­ted by the NEWAG Com­mu­nity trade mark results in the fact that NEWAG S.A., exc­lu­ding other per­sons who do not have the Company’s per­mis­sion, may use the trade mark to iden­tify pro­ducts and servi­ces cove­red by the regi­stra­tion thro­ughout the Euro­pean Union. At the same time, NEWAG S.A. can for­bid other per­sons to use desi­gna­tions iden­ti­cal with NEWAG’s tra­de­mark to mark iden­ti­cal pro­ducts or servi­ces. The scope of pro­tec­tion under the Com­mu­nity trade mark also covers the use of desi­gna­tions which, due to their simi­la­rity to the pro­tec­ted trade mark, may be misle­ading or may cre­ate a pro­ba­bi­lity of being asso­cia­ted with the trade mark.