
NEWAG will be heated by MPEC, a cooperation agreement signed

Today Miej­skie Przed­się­bior­stwo Ener­ge­tyki Ciepl­nej –MPEC Sp. z o.o. [Muni­ci­pal Heating Com­pany] and NEWAG S.A. signed a coope­ra­tion agre­ement under which MPEC will become a sup­plier of heating for NEWAG and the boiler plant loca­ted on NEWAG’s pre­mi­ses will be swit­ched off. A sym­bo­lic moment during this event was disman­tling a smo­ke­stack on NEWAG’s boiler room. Finance Mini­ster Wie­sław Jan­czyk and Nowy Sącz Mayor Ryszard Nowak par­ti­ci­pa­ted in the event.

Con­nec­ting NEWAG to the muni­ci­pal heating network will result in saving approx. 20 tho­usand ton­nes of coal per year which were used by the inter­nal boiler plant sup­ply­ing heating for the com­pany staff. The inve­st­ment pro­ject amo­un­ting to PLN  1 mil­lion pro­vi­des for an over­haul of the company’s whole heating grid which will now be mana­ged by MPEC. The giant boiler room belon­ging to MPEC will be con­nec­ted with heat exchan­gers loca­ted at NEWAG by a 500 metre main line.

Newag has become a rece­iver of approx. 15% of the boiler capa­city and by lay­ing pipes thro­ugh the company’s pre­mi­ses it became possi­ble for MPEC to reach indu­stria­li­sed parts of the town i.e., the area of 29 Listo­pada, Zie­lona and Węgier­ska streets.

These actions will result not only in opti­mi­sing heating costs  but  mostly in redu­cing the amo­unt of dust emis­sion to the atmo­sphere. Nowy Sącz lies in the Sądecka Val­ley that is sur­ro­un­ded by moun­tain ran­ges and hills, which restricts free air cir­cu­la­tion. Nowa­days, pol­lu­tion is one of the city’s main problems.