
Newag signs its biggest contract in 2014

Today wit­nes­sed the signing of the con­tract for the deli­very of 12 five-unit elec­tric mul­ti­ple units of the total gross value of PLN 257 272 950.  The scope of the con­tract covers not only the deli­very of the tra­ins but also their main­te­nance, sup­ply of a post-crash pac­ket and tra­ining for the carrier’s staff. The first ‘Impuls’ tra­ins will be han­ded over to Koleje Mazo­wiec­kie as early as in the2nd quar­ter of 2015.

The modern ‘Impuls’ tra­ins which will ope­rate as part of Koleje Mazo­wiec­kie fleet, are five-unit elec­tric mul­ti­ple units fit­ted with effi­cient, eco­no­mi­cal drive and  high stan­dard of inte­riors. Each train will have 206 seats in a open-coach lay­out and 325 stan­ding pla­ces. Pas­sen­gers will be able to use a series of ame­ni­ties with all tra­ins being air-conditioned, fit­ted with wi-fi, elec­tric soc­kets, pas­sen­ger infor­ma­tion sys­tems and inter­com sys­tems. They will also have extra space for over­si­zed luggage.

“This is the big­gest con­tract I have signed this year. This time next year, Koleje Mazo­wiec­kie will boast twe­lve cutting-edge ‘Impuls’ tra­ins,” said Zbi­gniew Konie­czek, Pre­si­dent of NEWAG S.A. „I’d like to add that these will be the first five-unit ‘Impuls’ 45 WE tra­ins manu­fac­tu­red at NEWAG. Thanks to this con­tract, we will enlarge our pro­duct portfolio.”

Great empha­sis has been pla­ced on disa­bled pas­sen­gers’ com­fort. Besi­des spe­cial pla­ces dedi­ca­ted to pas­sen­gers on whe­el­cha­irs, they will also have at their dispo­sal equ­ip­ment which faci­li­ties embar­king as well as spe­cially adap­ted toilets. The tra­ins will also be fit­ted with chan­ging sta­tions for pas­sen­gers tra­vel­ling with small children.

“Pas­sen­gers’ com­fort is our prio­rity and this is undo­ub­te­dly depen­dent on the num­ber of tra­ins we have at our dispo­sal. The­re­fore, we have done eve­ry­thing to fina­lise this pro­ject which is of stra­te­gic impor­tance to our com­pany. In con­se­qu­ence, the com­fort of tra­vel­ling on the route with the big­gest transit needs will be incre­ased,” said Artur Radwan, while signing the con­tract toge­ther with  NEWAG’s President.

The tra­ins will be able to tra­vel with a speed of up to 160 km/h. In the 2ndquar­ter of 2015, the first tra­ins will start servi­cing Route No 1, i.e., the route with the  heaviest pas­sen­ger traf­fic. The gross cost of the con­tract exce­eds PLN 257 mil­lion.