
NEWAG S.A. to repair 337 railcars for PKP Intercity

On May 23, 2014, NEWAG S.A. signed a con­tract with PKP Inter­city for per­for­ming perio­di­cal main­te­nance of 337 pas­sen­ger rail­cars. Within twenty-four mon­ths  since signing the con­tract, all kinds of open-coach and com­part­ment pas­sen­ger cars as well as dining cars and sle­eping cars will undergo repairs.

The Con­trac­tor may extend the con­tract sub­ject by com­mis­sio­ning Newag to repair addi­tio­nal cars and to widen the scope of repa­irs of the rail­cars cove­red by the con­tract. The con­tract maxi­mum value is PLN 82 217 300.00. Under the con­tract, Newag grants twenty-four month guaran­tee for  the repair of each car, coun­ted since the date the accep­tance pro­to­col is signed, with sti­pu­la­ted exten­ded guaran­tee periods for selec­ted works and car com­po­nents as pro­vi­ded by the contract.

So far, it is the big­gest con­tract Newag has signed with the Con­trac­tor since Decem­ber 2, 2013.