
NEWAG S.A. – appointment of the members of the Management Board for the new term

The term in office of the cur­rent Mana­ge­ment Board expi­red. On June 1, 2015, the Company’s Super­vi­sory Board and Mana­ge­ment Board rece­ived a vote of accep­tance from the Ordi­nary Gene­ral Meeting of the Sha­re­hol­ders.

Upon the reso­lu­tion of the Company’s Super­vi­sory Board, the new Mana­ge­ment Board was appo­in­ted con­si­sting of: Zbi­gniew Konie­czek – Pre­si­dent of the Mana­ge­ment Board, Chief Exe­cu­tive Offi­cer, Bog­dan Borek – Deputy Pre­si­dent of the Mana­ge­ment Board, Finance Direc­tor, Bar­tosz Krze­miń­ski – Deputy Pre­si­dent of the Mana­ge­ment Board, Pro­duc­tion and Ope­ra­tions Direc­tor, Maciej Duczyń­ski – Deputy Pre­si­dent of the Mana­ge­ment Board, Mar­ke­ting and Deve­lop­ment Direc­tor.
Wie­sław Piwo­war, invo­lved with Newag since 1978, resi­gned from run­ning for appo­int­ment for the next term due to per­so­nal reasons. He advi­sed the Super­vi­sory Board that the Com­pany is well-prepared for a gene­ra­tio­nal change. “I have coope­ra­ted clo­sely with Bar­tosz Krze­miń­ski, brie­fing him on all my duties”, said Wie­sław Piwo­war, “I’m leaving the Com­pany in good hands of a young and able mana­ger who has been invo­lved with the rail vehicle manu­fac­tu­ring sec­tor since the begin­ning of his career. I am convin­ced that with his ideas, enthu­siasm and energy he will lead Newag on a new track of oppor­tu­ni­ties,” he added.

Zbi­gniew Jaku­bas, Cha­ir­man of the Super­vi­sory Board of NEWAG S.A. than­ked Wie­sław Piwo­war for his work and effort put in the Com­pany restruc­tu­ring, in par­ti­cu­lar, for trans­for­ming it from a com­pany repa­iring rol­ling stock into a modern com­pany manu­fac­tu­ring rail vehic­les which meet Euro­pean standards.

“I was sorry to hear about his deci­sion but I under­stand it”, said Zbi­gniew Jaku­bas, „I have known Wie­sław Piwo­war since 2003. I have always appre­cia­ted his per­si­stence in achie­ving goals, inno­va­tive solu­tions which he has imple­men­ted and mana­ge­rial skills.”

Wie­sław Piwo­war star­ted his career at NEWAG S.A. (then ZNTK) in 1978 as an elec­tri­cal fit­ter of trac­tion vehic­les and train cars. In the years 1983–1989, he wor­ked as an inde­pen­dent tech­no­lo­gist at the Rese­arch and Deve­lop­ment Depart­ment later to assume a post of the head of the Rese­arch and Inno­va­tion Depart­ment in 1989. In the years 1993 – 2001, he held the posi­tion of Deputy Manu­fac­tu­ring and Tech­ni­cal Direc­tor at Przed­się­bior­stwo Prze­my­słu Drzew­nego Forest sp. z o.o. in Gor­lice. In 2001, he retur­ned to NEWAG S.A. (then ZNTK) as Deputy Pre­si­dent of the Board and Manu­fac­tu­ring and Tech­ni­cal Direc­tor. Until Febru­ary 2, 2015, he held the post of Deputy Pre­si­dent of the Mana­ge­ment Board and Tech­ni­cal and Deve­lop­ment Direc­tor and until the end of May this year he held the post of Deputy Pre­si­dent of the Mana­ge­ment Board and Direc­tor for Projects.

Wie­sław Piwo­war tra­ined as an elec­tri­cian –tech­ni­cian at the Elec­tri­cal Engi­ne­ering Tech­ni­cal School in Nowy Sącz and then he gra­du­ated as a trans­port engi­neer from the Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­sity of Kra­ków. Sub­se­qu­en­tly, he com­ple­ted a post-graduate pro­gramme in busi­ness mana­ge­ment at Wyż­sza Szkoła Biznesu-NLU in Nowy Sącz.

Since the begin­ning of his career, Bar­tosz Krze­miń­ski has wor­ked in the sec­tor of manu­fac­tu­ring rail vehic­les. In 2001, he star­ted wor­king for Alstom Kon­stal S.A. as Quality Focus Pro­gramme Engi­neer where he was respon­si­ble for run­ning a pro­duc­tion cost opti­mi­za­tion pro­ject. From 2005, he par­ti­ci­pa­ted in the design and imple­men­ta­tion of the Alstom-APSYS pro­duc­tion sys­tem, by mana­ging the imple­men­ta­tion work at the pro­duc­tion unit in Cho­rzów as well as being a mem­ber of the team which pre­pa­red assump­tions at the headqu­ar­ters in Paris. At the same time, he held various mana­ge­rial posi­tions in the pro­duc­tion area where he mana­ged depart­ments respon­si­ble for com­po­nent plan­ning and manu­fac­tu­ring as well as for the con­struc­tion of com­plete rail vehicles.

Bar­tosz Krze­miń­ski gra­du­ated from the Faculty of Mate­rial Engi­ne­ering, Metal­lurgy and Trans­port at the Sile­sian Uni­ver­sity of Tech­no­logy (major: Vehicle Ope­ra­tion and Main­te­nance). He has wor­ked for Newag S.A. (for­mer Zakłady Napraw­cze Loko­mo­tyw Elek­trycz­nych S.A. — Elec­tric Loco­mo­ti­ves Repair Plant) since Sep­tem­ber 1, 2008. He served first as Deputy Pre­si­dent of the Mana­ge­ment Board and then Pre­si­dent of the Mana­ge­ment Board and Pro­duc­tion Mana­ger at Newag Gli­wice S.A., a dau­gh­ter com­pany of Newag S.A. At pre­sent, he holds the post of Deputy Pre­si­dent of the Mana­ge­ment Board of NEWAG S.A.