
NEWAG S.A. among the best

Yester­day, Rzecz­po­spo­lita  daily anno­un­ced its Top 500 ran­king for the 17thtime. NEWAG S.A., which rece­ived reco­gni­tion for its inve­st­ments, was among those awar­ded. Zbi­gniew Konie­czek, Pre­si­dent of Newag S.A. rece­ived the award on behalf of the Company.

Top 500 Gala

“This is the 17th edi­tion of the ran­king which is very impor­tant for the eco­nomy. Top 500  is the best mir­ror of Polish eco­nomy,” said Bogu­sław Chra­bota, editor-in-chief of Rzecz­po­spo­lita, in his ope­ning address. “We, at Rzecz­po­spo­lita are not only your staun­ched sup­por­ters, we sim­ply believe in you,” he said to the winners.

“This is an espe­cially ple­asant event for me. Rzecz­po­spo­lita is the new­spa­per which I open first thing in the mor­ning,” said Ilona Antoniszyn-Klik, Under­se­cre­tary at the Mini­stry of Eco­nomy. Rzecz­po­spo­lita is the  new­spa­per which knows how to appre­ciate value.  I under­stand the com­pany value as the value of its inve­st­ments, export as well as  the value of sums paid by these com­pa­nies to the state bud­get. The­re­fore, in truth, Mate­usz Szczu­rek, Mini­ster of Finance sho­uld be here instead of me,” she stated.

Zbi­gniew Jagiełło, Pre­si­dent of PKO Bank Pol­ski, while rece­iving his award, said that he did not read Rzecz­po­spo­lita  in the mor­ning because  he focu­sed on new­spa­pers in the evenings.

Wło­dzi­mierz Kar­piń­ski, the Mini­ster of the State Tre­asury, empha­si­zed in his spe­ech that the Top 500 is the regi­ster of a dyna­mi­cally deve­lo­ping eco­nomy. “ I would like to  thank the mana­ge­ment of the com­pa­nies because we need to pay tri­bute to the dili­gent and entre­pre­neu­rial,’ said the Mini­ster. “I, in turn, read Rzecz­po­spo­lita in the mor­ning and fall asleep with it at night,” he added jokingly.

Prof. Witold Orłow­ski, the Cha­ir­man of the Con­test Jury, while descri­bing the metho­do­logy used in the ran­king, empha­si­zed that  the Jury scru­ti­ni­sed seve­ral fac­tors reflec­ting com­pa­nies’ dyna­mics and effi­ciency as well as the sta­bi­lity of results achie­ved by them.

“Tra­di­tio­nally, we have gran­ted  “the Rzecz­po­spo­lita Eagle” to three com­pa­nies. The award in the finan­cial insti­tu­tions cate­gory went to PZU – “the Eagle” was col­lec­ted by Prze­my­sław Dąbrow­ski, Mem­ber of the Board of PZU. Valeo Group Poland became the best indu­strial com­pany. The auto­mo­tive con­cern was repre­sen­ted at the cere­mony by Marek Potoczny, Direc­tor for Dome­stic Public Funds and Indu­strial Pro­jects. “The Eagle” went to CCC in the cate­gory of  the infra­struc­ture, tra­ding and service companies.

The second time in a row, we awar­ded these com­pa­nies that pay the highest taxes to the state bud­get. PKO Bank Pol­ski was awar­ded  “the Bud­get Pil­lar” in the finan­cial insti­tu­tions group whe­reas PGE is the win­ner in the non-financial insti­tu­tions group. The awards were rece­ived by Zbi­gniew Jagiełło, Pre­si­dent of PKO BP and Andrzej Stan­gret, Direc­tor of Cor­po­rate Com­mu­ni­ca­tions Depart­ment at PGE, respectively.

The Jury gran­ted four distinc­tions. Pole­ner­gia, a listed power indu­stry group, was awar­ded for its debut on Top 500;  the award was rece­ived by its Pre­si­dent, Zbi­gniew Pro­ko­po­wicz. Forte, a fur­ni­ture manu­fac­tu­rer , was awar­ded for its export results; the award was rece­ived by Mariusz Gazda, Mem­ber of the Board. Alu­met, a casting alloys manu­fac­tu­rer, repre­sen­ted by Prze­my­sław Grzy­bek, mem­ber of the Board, was awar­ded in the employ­ers cate­gory. Newag, a rol­ling stock manu­fac­tu­rer,  was awar­ded for its inve­st­ments. Zbi­gniew Konie­czek, Newag’s Pre­si­dent, rece­ived the award on behalf of the company.

As before, PKN Orlen was the leader of the Top 500. Last year, the oil con­cern gene­ra­ted the income to the tune of PLN 106.8 bil­lion. Marek Pod­stawa, PKN Orlen’s Mem­ber of the Board for Sales, rece­ived the award on behalf of the com­pany. Jero­nimo Mar­tins Poland, the owner of Bie­dronka super­mar­ket chain, came second. The award was rece­ived by Nuno Sereno, Mem­ber of the Board.  Pol­skie Gór­nic­two Naf­towe i Gazow­nic­two – PGNiG came third with the con­cern being repre­sen­ted  at the gala by Zbi­gniew Skrzyp­kie­wicz, PGNiG Deputy President.
