
Newag and Bombardier plan long-term cooperation

On the first day of the Inno­Trans 2014 Inter­na­tio­nal Fair, NEWAG S.A. and Bom­bar­dier A.G. signed a Memo­ran­dum of Under­stan­ding regar­ding long-term coope­ra­tion in deve­lop­ment, manu­fac­tu­ring and sel­ling rail vehicles.

We would like to com­bine youth with expe­rience, said Zbi­gniew Konie­czek, Newag’s CEO after signing the docu­ment whe­reas Die­ter John of Bom­bar­dier sta­ted that in reality toge­ther we can do eve­ry­thing but it is impor­tant that both par­ties are satis­fied and bene­fit from it. This agre­ement does not  con­nect the com­pa­nies to work on one pro­ject but is of a per­ma­nent, long-term nature. Toge­ther we can be more com­pe­ti­tive, he added.

Zbi­gniew Kle­packi, Polish Vice Mini­ster for Infra­struc­ture and Deve­lop­ment, was pre­sent at the signing of the agre­ement. Newag is a very impor­tant Polish com­pany. Altho­ugh Bom­bar­dier is a fore­ign com­pany, it has a long pre­sence in our coun­try. The govern­ment, which I repre­sent, will do eve­ry­thing to assist you in this coope­ra­tion, he said.