
New IMPULS trains already operating on Silesian routes

Three elec­tric mul­ti­ple units have star­ted run­ning on the rail routes in Śląskie Pro­vince. They con­sti­tute the second part of the order pla­ced by the Southern Pro­cu­re­ment Group which pro­vi­ded for the deli­very of six tra­ins of this type to the Pro­vince. The first three tra­ins appe­ared in the region in Octo­ber last year and they have been ope­ra­ting in the livery of Koleje Ślaskie serving intra-regional routes.

The New IMPULS was shown to pas­sen­gers and rail­way fans at the train sta­tion in Kato­wice. The pre­sen­ta­tion was atten­ded by Sta­ni­sław Dąbrowa, Deputy Mar­shal of Śląskie Pro­vince and Maciej Duczyń­ski, Vice Pre­si­dent of NEWAG S.A., the train manufacturer.

“Pas­sen­gers in our region can use the servi­ces of Koleje Śląskie and Prze­wozy Regio­nalne. We allo­ca­ted the six new IMPULS tra­ins so that three of them  service the routes within the region whe­reas the rema­ining three service the so-called ‘con­nec­ting’ routes. I believe that the EMUs will prove suc­cess­ful in ope­ra­tion and  pas­sen­gers and train crews will judge if their expec­ta­tions have been met,” said  Deputy Mar­shal Dąbrowa during the presentation.

The pur­cha­sed tra­ins are some of the most modern rail vehic­les of this type  manu­fac­tu­red in Poland.

“IMPULS 36WEa are the first Polish tra­ins to be gran­ted the TSI LOK &PAS com­pliance cer­ti­fi­ca­tes, which means that they meet the latest, strin­gent Euro­pean crash and strength stan­dards. The tech­no­lo­gi­cal solu­tions imple­men­ted ensure the highest safely level for both pas­sen­gers and train crews,” said Maciej Duczyń­ski, Vice Pre­si­dent of NEWAG S.A. “Safety as well as com­fort of tra­vel­ling are NEWAG’s prio­ri­ties,” he added.

The tra­ins are fully air-conditioned, equ­ip­ped with the moni­to­ring sys­tem and an event recor­der as well as the modern pas­sen­ger infor­ma­tion sys­tem. Ergo­no­mic seats, Wi-Fi access, elec­tric soc­kets and sound-insulated inte­rior all enhance the com­fort of tra­vel­ling. The low-floor faci­li­ta­tes boar­ding and de-boarding also for pas­sen­gers with restric­ted mobi­lity. The cen­tral car has a dedi­ca­ted space for whe­el­cha­irs with a dedi­ca­ted lift faci­li­ta­ting boar­ding for wheelchair-bound pas­sen­gers as well as four bicycle racks.

The three-car IMPULS has the total pas­sen­ger capa­city of 276, inc­lu­ding 156 seating capa­city. It will tra­vel with a speed of up to 160m/h. The new tra­ins will be leased to Prze­wozy Regio­nalne and will service inter-provincial routes: Częstochowa-Kielce, Katowice-Kielce , Katowice-Kraków and Rybnik-Katowice-Kraków.


The pro­ject was imple­men­ted as a joint enter­prise of Mało­pol­skie, Pod­kar­pac­kie, Śląskie and Świę­to­krzy­skie Pro­vin­ces within the Infra­struc­ture and Envi­ron­ment Ope­ra­tio­nal Pro­gramme 2007–2013: “The pur­chase  of rol­ling stock to service inter­pro­vin­cial con­nec­tions pro­vi­ded by the Pro­vin­ces: Mało­pol­skie, Pod­kar­pac­kie, Śląskie and Świę­to­krzy­skie.” Six IMPULS tra­ins were orde­red by each of the Mało­pol­ska, Świę­to­krzy­skie and Śląskie Pro­vin­ces and one IMPULS train went to Pod­kar­pac­kie Pro­vince. The com­ple­ted con­tract for the sup­ply of 19 modern IMPULS tra­ins was signed on 28 August, 2013.
The con­tract total gross value amo­un­ted to PLN  313 71 mil­lion (the EU co-financing cove­red 70% of the eli­gi­ble costs).