

On March 21, 2016 a group of Mem­bers of Par­lia­ment from Mało­pol­ska paid a visit to NEWAG S.A. in Nowy Sącz. Their visit mar­ked the begin­ning of cele­bra­tions of NEWAG’s 140th anni­ver­sary and was also rela­ted to a recen­tly publi­shed LUXTORPEDA 2.0 Plan pre­pa­red by Deputy Prime Mini­ster Morawiecki.

During the meeting com­bi­ned with a site tour of the Company’s manu­fac­tu­ring faci­li­ties, the guests could check for them­se­lves the Company’s manu­fac­tu­ring poten­tial and the port­fo­lio of rail vehic­les manu­fac­tu­red by NEWAG. The Board also pre­sen­ted the Company’s history, its gre­atest achie­ve­ments focu­sing on major con­tracts signed in recent years as well as NEWAG’s growth poten­tial and future plans.

Empha­si­zing the poten­tial of the region of Mało­pol­ska, the Board also discus­sed the Plan for Respon­si­ble Deve­lop­ment, dra­fted by Deputy Prime Mini­ster Mate­usz Mora­wiecki, expres­sing its full appro­val for the goal of “Luxtor­peda 2.0” deve­lop­ment pro­gramme, namely desi­gning and manu­fac­tu­ring Polish urban mass trans­port vehic­les. Howe­ver, the Board raised the issue of the programme’s range which does not inc­lude Pro­vince of Mało­pol­ska. “The Pro­vince of Mało­pol­ska sho­uld be a part of the Luxtor­peda plan because it alre­ady is a Polish manu­fac­tu­ring and tech­no­logy cen­tre. We sho­uld uti­lise this poten­tial,” said Zbi­gniew Konie­czek, Pre­si­dent of NEWAG S.A.

The visi­ting Mem­bers of Par­lia­ment dec­la­red their wil­lin­gness for bipar­ti­san coope­ra­tion in lob­by­ing with the aim of inc­lu­ding Mało­pol­ska in the Luxtor­peda 2.0. plan. The MPs who paid the visit to NEWAG inc­lu­ded Bar­bara Bar­tuś, Andrzej Czer­wiń­ski, Jan Duda, Wie­sław Jan­czyk, Józef Las­sota, Józef Leśniak, Jerzy Meysz­to­wicz, Arka­diusz Mular­czyk, Anna Paluch, Marek Sowa and Sena­tor Sta­ni­sław Kogut.