
Modern ‘Impuls’ trains already in service

These are the best and the most beau­ti­ful pas­sen­ger transit tra­ins that are cur­ren­tly ope­ra­ting on rail­way tracks, sta­ted Robert Zabor­ski, Mana­ger of Prze­wozy Regio­nalne during the offi­cial han­ding over cere­mony for ‘Impuls’ 36WEa trains.

On Octo­ber 6, 2014, three out of the six tra­ins orde­red by the Mar­shal Office of Świę­to­krzy­skie Pro­vince were offi­cially han­ded over at the Rail­way Sta­tion in Skarżysko-Kamienna in the pre­sence of Jan Mać­ko­wiak, the Pro­vince Mar­shal, Zbi­gniew Kle­packi, Under­se­cre­tary of State in the Mini­stry of Infra­struc­ture and Deve­lop­ment, Robert Zabor­ski, Mana­ger of Prze­wozy Regio­nalne , branch in Skarżysko-Kamienna and Zbi­gniew Konie­czek, Pre­si­dent of NEWAG S.A.

Modern, safe, com­for­ta­ble and energy-efficient ‘Impuls” tra­ins have been pur­cha­sed with monies coming exc­lu­si­vely from exter­nal sour­ces, empha­si­zed Jan Mać­ko­wiak, Pro­vince Mar­shal, 70% of the con­tract value was cove­red with the funds allo­ca­ted by the Euro­pean Union and the rema­ining 30% came from a desi­gna­ted sub­sidy, he added.

The tra­ins were orde­red within the Southern Pur­chase Group. Newag will deli­ver a total of 19 tra­ins to four Pro­vin­ces of Śląskie, Świę­to­krzy­skie, Pod­kar­pac­kie and Małopolskie.

Every pro­ject com­pri­sing a few part­ners is not an easy ven­ture. Śląskie Pro­vince has a dif­fe­rent view con­cer­ning rail­way trans­port than the Pro­vince of Mało­pol­ska.  It was not easy to agree on cer­tain issues with the part­ners but we suc­ce­eded and today we can enjoy the beau­ti­ful, modern tra­ins, said Jan Maćkowiak.

Tra­ins’ ope­ra­tion is moni­to­red by the Con­trol Cen­tre at the Marshal’s Office.

The Avia sys­tem instal­led in these ‘Impuls’ tra­ins is one of the latest sys­tems ena­bling moni­to­ring of train ope­ra­tion. It allows to check when the train is moving, when it is stan­ding, the train’s speed and the num­ber of pas­sen­gers it is car­ry­ing.  We can check the  network vol­tage and the amo­unt of power reco­ve­red to the network, said Zbi­gniew Konie­czek, Pre­si­dent of NEWAG S.A.

The first tra­ins star­ted servi­cing routes on Octo­ber 1, 2014. Pas­sen­gers pra­ise their appe­arance, manu­fac­tu­ring and mainly, com­fort of travelling.

The last, 19th ‘Impuls’ train will have been deli­ve­red to the Orde­ring  Party by the end of Febru­ary 2015.