
Meeting for retired NEWAG’s employees

On 20 Octo­ber, 2016, NEWAG S.A. orga­ni­sed an offi­cial meeting for its for­mer employ­ees  cele­bra­ting the company’s 140th anni­ver­sary. The meeting attrac­ted a record num­ber of nearly 450 people, who  used to work at NEWAG S.A. and ZNTK S.A. (which was  the for­mer offi­cial name of NEWAG S.A. until 2005).

During the visit, the guests had an oppor­tu­nity to see the chan­ges which have taken place at their for­mer work­place over the years. They also met with the repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of the Mana­ge­ment Board. In his spe­ech, Pre­si­dent Zbi­gniew Konie­czek than­ked eve­ry­body for coming and empha­si­zed: “Thanks to you, thanks to your work – indi­vi­dual efforts and col­lec­tive efforts because the team is the  most impor­tant, we are here and we can cele­brate toge­ther the 140th anni­ver­sary of  Tar­nów – Lelu­chów Rail­way Line and  the Rail­way Work­shops and then NEWAG’s.”

The event  was also an excel­lent oppor­tu­nity for the reti­red employ­ees to meet infor­mally with their for­mer col­le­agues over  lunch and to renew old friendships.

We express our gra­ti­tude to all reti­red NEWAG’s employ­ees for their com­mit­ment  and  long-term effort in buil­ding our company’s image and posi­tion. Thank you for  your atten­dance and we hope you will visit us again in the future.