
Last ordered IMPULS train arrived in Szczecin

On Decem­ber 13, 2013, the first three IMPULS tra­ins arri­ved at the Main Train sta­tion in Szcze­cin. Today, on March 25, 2015, Olgierd Geble­wicz, Pro­vince Mar­shal, offi­cially accep­ted the last train and thus fina­li­sed the imple­men­ta­tion of the big­gest rail­way pro­ject for Pomo­rze Zachod­nie Province.

IMPULS tra­ins, which have been suc­ces­si­vely deli­ve­red since Decem­ber 2013, have trans­por­ted over 1.7 mil­lion pas­sen­gers so far,” infor­med Mr Geble­wicz. “We have tried to enco­urage resi­dents to tra­vel by train by pro­vi­ding high com­fort of tra­vel­ling and short time of travel, in brief, by focu­sing on quality, and IMPULS tra­ins defi­ni­tely meet these cri­te­ria. I would like to express my gra­ti­tude to NEWAG S.A., which met the strin­gent con­tract cri­te­ria. I hope the new finan­cing per­spec­tive and new plans will offer an oppor­tu­nity for fur­ther col­la­bo­ra­tion,” sta­ted the Marshal.


Within 17 mon­ths, Zachod­nio­po­mor­ska Grupa Zaku­powa rece­ived thir­teen four-car IMPULS tra­ins, twe­lve of which went to Zachod­nio­po­mor­skie Pro­vince. 704 788 kg of steel and 25 998 kg of paint were used to manu­fac­ture the tra­ins, 2912 seats and 756 win­dows were fit­ted. In total, 750 000 km cables and 14 000 linear metres of pipes for pneu­ma­tic instal­la­tions have been fit­ted in the trains.

“The pro­ject was imple­men­ted in an expe­di­ted way”, sta­ted Zbi­gniew Konie­czek, Pre­si­dent of NEWAG S.A., “We really appre­ciate the quality of col­la­bo­ra­tion with the con­trac­ting autho­rity. IMPULS tra­ins manu­fac­tu­red for Zachod­nio­po­mor­skie Pro­vince have alre­ady cove­red the distance of 1.5 mil­lion km and their ava­ila­bi­lity ratio has reached 98%, which pro­ves high relia­bi­lity of the tra­ins manu­fac­tu­red by our com­pany,” boasted Mr Konieczek.

Tomasz Sobie­raj, Pro­vince Deputy Mar­shal, when com­men­ting on fina­li­sing the pro­ject, said: “We have been try­ing to catch up with the 21st cen­tury all the time but when I look at these IMPULS tra­ins, I think we have appro­ached it very closely.”

Pre­sen­tly, IMPULS tra­ins service the routes Szczecin-Słupsk-Szczecin and Poznań– Świno­uj­ście– Poznań (via  Szcze­cin). A new fast train service to the seaside will be laun­ched. On 27 June, 2015, at 8:19am sharp, The Blue Train will depart Szcze­cin  in order to take pas­sen­gers to Świno­uj­ście in 65 minutes.


The pro­ject “Pro­cu­re­ment  of pas­sen­ger rol­ling stock to service inter-provincial train routes pro­vi­ded by Lubu­skie and Zachod­nio­po­mor­skie Pro­vin­ces” has been imple­men­ted join­tly by Lubu­skie and Zachod­nio­po­mor­skie Pro­vin­ces acting as Zachod­nia Grupa Zaku­po­wa [Western Pro­cu­re­ment Group]. The pur­chase of four­teen IMPULS tra­ins: twe­lve for Zachod­nio­po­mor­skie Pro­vince and two for Lubu­skie Pro­vince respec­ti­vely, was co-financed  by the Euro­pean Union with the monies from the Cohe­sion Fund under the Infra­struc­ture and Envi­ron­ment Ope­ra­tio­nal Pro­gramme. The pro­ject value amo­un­ted to PLN 300 million.