
In 35 minutes from Wrocław to Legnica

This is the amo­unt of time needed by  ‘Impuls’ 36WEa train to cover the distance from Wro­cław to Legnica. This new, three-section elec­tric mul­ti­ple unit was offi­cially rece­ived for ope­ra­tion by Koleje Dolnośląskie.

Józef Micha­lik, Mar­ke­ting Mana­ger of NEWAG S.A. officially han­ded over the sym­bo­lic rating plate of the new train to Piotr Rachwal­ski, Pre­si­dent of Koleje Dol­no­ślą­skie in the pre­sence of Jerzy Micha­lak, Mar­shal of Dol­no­ślą­skie Province.

Com­for­ta­ble and modern Impuls 36WEa tra­ins will tra­vel with a speed of up to 160 km/h. They will start servi­cing Dolny Śląsk train routes in Decem­ber this year trans­por­ting pas­sen­gers on the routes: Wrocław — Wał­brzych, Wro­cław – Jele­nia Góra and  Szklar­ska Poręba Górna, Wrocław, Wał­brzych, Jele­nia Góra.

A crowd of touri­sts who gathe­red at Legnica rail­way sta­tion could view not only the new ‘Impuls’ tra­ins. The hand­car, made ava­ila­ble by Sowio­gór­skie Brac­two Kole­jowe,  also attrac­ted a lot of their attention.

Chil­dren pre­sent in the audience readily par­ti­ci­pa­ted in games led by actors from the Pup­pet The­atre in Wrocław.

The con­tract for the deli­very of six modern ‘Impuls’ tra­ins was signed on 21 May 2014. The pro­ject of  pur­cha­sing  the elec­tric mul­ti­ple units is co-financed by the Euro­pean Union with the funds from the Euro­pean Regio­nal Deve­lop­ment Fund within the Regio­nal Ope­ra­tio­nal Pro­gramme for Dol­no­ślą­skie Pro­vince for the years 2007–2013. The pro­ject total value is PLN81 486 270. 00, and the Euro­pean Union’s  con­tri­bu­tion has amo­un­ted to PLN 56 306 975.00.