
Impulse No 8 “to moor” in Kołobrzeg on Friday

A modern elec­tric drive (4 asyn­chro­nous AC motors of the total out­put of 2 MW), high acce­le­ra­tion and maxi­mum ope­ra­tio­nal speed of 160km/h, 208 com­for­ta­ble seats, air-conditioned pas­sen­ger and crew com­part­ments – this is the brie­fest tech­ni­cal spe­ci­fi­ca­tion of Nowy Sącz– manu­fac­tu­red ‘Impuls’ tra­ins which have been pur­cha­sed by Zachod­nio­po­mor­skie Province.

On 22 August, 2014 in Koło­brzeg, NEWAG S.A. will for­mally hand over  the ‘Impuls’ No 8 train to the autho­ri­ties of Zachod­nio­po­mor­skie Pro­vince. The offi­cial cere­mony is to start at 2 pm on the pre­mi­ses of the Port of Koło­brzeg  near the ligh­tho­use.

Fol­lo­wing the offi­cial pre­sen­ta­tion of the 31WE-008 train, NEWAG S.A and the Marshal’s Office invite local resi­dents and touri­sts to view the Impulse train and young visi­tors to play in a spe­cial kid zone. This mini-rail pic­nic will last until 6 pm.

The train to be pre­sen­ted in Koło­brzeg is an eighth out of twe­lve four-unit 31WE ‘Impuls’ elec­tric mul­ti­ple units (EMUs).The gross price of each of the EMUs  is  PLN 21 mil­lion 400 tho­usand. The pur­chase is effec­ted within the pro­ject of the Zachod­nia Grupa Zaku­powa [Western Pro­cu­re­ment Group]. The last out of the twe­lve ‘Impuls’ tra­ins will have been deli­ve­red by 14 April, 2015.