
‘Impuls’ inaugurated train services along renovated Kraków-Zakopane train line on the Stryszów-Zembrzyce section

On 12 Decem­ber 2014, the Kraków-Zakopane train line was offi­cially ope­ned on the Stryszów-Zembrzyce sec­tion. The inve­st­ment pro­ject was imple­men­ted by Skan­ska upon the order of Regio­nalny Zarząd Gospo­darki Wod­nej [ Regio­nal Water Mana­ge­ment Admi­ni­stra­tion] in Kra­ków.

On the beau­ti­ful  day, invi­ted guests went for a ride along the newly-renovated sec­tion on the Sucha Beskidzka-Stryszów-Sucha Beskidzka route. The cutting-edge ‘Impuls’ train, manu­fac­tu­red by NEWAG  from Nowy Sącz, apart from offe­ring excel­lent tra­vel­ling con­di­tions, pro­ved to be photo-reporters’ haven. SKANSKA’ s repre­sen­ta­tive, using the public infor­ma­tion sys­tem  pro­vi­ded a run­ning com­men­tary on what could be seen thro­ugh the win­dows, pre­sen­ting the sta­tus of works and descri­bing  struc­tu­res and buil­dings  the train was pas­sing by.

This sec­tion of the rail­way tracks  con­sti­tu­tes  a part of the Kra­ków– Vienna rail­way route. The Ska­wina– Sucha Beskidzka sec­tion of 45km in length, was part of the so-called Gali­cian Trans­ver­sal  Rail­way (from Latin– trans­ver­sal– cros­swise) which was ori­gi­nally ope­ned  nearly 130 years ago on 22nd Decem­ber 1884.

Press mate­rial: RZGW

The video mate­rial was shot and made ava­ila­ble by Mate­usz from Zakopane.