
We aim to sys­te­ma­ti­cally streng­then our mar­ket posi­tion of the sup­pliers of  the rol­ling stock. The ulti­mate goal of our acti­vity is manu­fac­turing and repairing rail vehic­les of a quality meeting the requ­ire­ments and expec­ta­tions of our Clients. With due diligence we pro­vide our clients with well-made, modern pro­ducts and servi­ces which ensu­re the safety of passengers and travelling.

Caring for the satis­fac­tion of our clients, we put spe­cial empha­sis on the quality of our pro­ducts and our servi­ces. We have implemented the ISO 9001 certified quality management system. We have held IRIS certificate since 2012.

The company has all the cer­ti­fi­ca­tes of autho­ri­za­tion to carry out welding works that meet high stan­dards and a num­ber of licenses to manu­fac­ture, repair and moder­nize the rol­ling stock:

International Railway Industry Standard

International Railway Industry Standard (IRIS) for the activities of Design and Development and Maintenance and Manufacturing for the scope of certification : 17 (Rolling stock)

ISO/TS 22163:2017

International Railway Industry Standard (IRIS) for the activities of Design and Development and Maintenance and Manufacturing for the scope of certification : 17 (Rolling stock)

ISO 9001:2015

Design, production, modernization, repair and service of rolling stock and design and production of welded structures, manufacture of part and components of railway vehicles and electrical components

ISO 14001:2015

Design, production, modernization, repair and service of rolling stock and design and production of welded structures

ISO 50001:2011

Design, production, modernization, repair and service of roling stock and design and production of welded structures

Certificate DIN 6701

In accordance with DIN 6701 to demonstrate the suitability of the user-company for manufacturing adhesive bonds on rail vehicles and parts of rail vehicles Accredited certification body according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17065 (DAkkS D-ZE-20147-01-00)


IRIS Certification Performance Assessment:2023 (ISO 22163:2023)

International Railway Industry Standard (IRIS) for Certification activities: Design and development & Production & Service provision & EPPPS & Project management & Requirements management for Business category: Rolling Stock & Maintenance