
Business for science, science for business

Today, NEWAG S.A. and Poli­tech­nika Śląska [Sile­sian Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­sity] signed a coope­ra­tion agre­ement in Gliwice.

The goal of the agre­ement is to streng­then coope­ra­tion between the sec­tors of busi­ness and science which sho­uld result in the emer­gence on the labour mar­ket of gra­du­ates who have not only the­ore­ti­cal know­ledge but also prac­ti­cal skills neces­sary in the rail­way sector.

Ano­ther, equ­ally impor­tant aspect of the agre­ement is to adjust rese­arch con­duc­ted at Poli­tech­nika Śląska to needs of the eco­nomy and to imple­ment rese­arch results at NEWAG S.A.

“We star­ted coope­ra­ting with Poli­tech­nika Śląska some time ago. Ph.D. can­di­da­tes from Poli­tech­nika Śląska are alre­ady col­la­bo­ra­ting with our engi­ne­ers in mul­ti­di­sci­pli­nary rese­arch teams focu­sing on imple­men­ta­tion of high-tech solu­tions in our tra­ins and NEWAG’s staff use the know­ledge and ideas of the scien­ti­sts. We have also been making joint efforts to cre­ate an opti­mal cur­ri­cu­lum for the newly-created Rail­way Trans­port Science and Tra­ining Cen­tre at Poli­tech­nika Śląska,” said Maciej Duczyń­ski, Vice Pre­si­dent of the Board at NEWAG S.A.

NEWAG S.A. intends to con­tri­bute acti­vely to the cur­ri­cu­lum deve­lop­ment so that gra­du­ates leaving Poli­tech­nika Śląska have com­pe­ten­ces and know­ledge reflec­ting reali­stic mar­ket needs.

“Access to quali­fied tech­ni­cal per­son­nel from the rail­way sec­tor poses a signi­fi­cant chal­lenge nowa­days. We have a great oppor­tu­nity to shape the cur­ri­cu­lum of our future per­son­nel,” added Maciej Duczyń­ski.
Under the agre­ement, the par­ties are also going to coope­rate in the area of edu­ca­ting NEWAG’s employ­ees at uni­ver­sity pro­gram­mes, Ph.D. and post-graduate pro­gram­mes as well as pre­sen­ting and pro­pa­ga­ting mutual achie­ve­ments and orga­ni­sing regu­lar tra­ining ses­sions and spe­cia­list tra­ining courses.

Col­la­bo­ra­tion with the leading Polish manu­fac­tu­rer of the rol­ling stock will also bring a lot of bene­fits to Poli­tech­nika Śląska.

“One of the prio­ri­ties of Poli­tech­nika Śląska is the clo­sest possi­ble coope­ra­tion with com­pa­nies. It ena­bles scien­ti­fic deve­lop­ment and enhan­ces the teaching pro­cess con­duc­ted at the tech­ni­cal uni­ver­sity. I am convin­ced that thanks to our clo­ser coope­ra­tion with NEWAG S.A., now con­fir­med by signing the agre­ement, we will be able to imple­ment nume­rous joint R&D and edu­ca­tio­nal pro­jects which will be bene­fi­cial to both the com­pany and the stu­dents and faculty of our uni­ver­sity,” empha­si­zed prof. Andrzej Kar­bow­nik, Pre­si­dent of Poli­tech­nika Śląska.

Both par­ties have expres­sed their wil­lin­gness to under­take joint rese­arch pro­jects aiming at obta­ining funds (inc­lu­ding EU finan­cing) that will ena­ble the part­ners suc­cess­ful pro­ject implementation.

The agre­ement was signed for three years.