
Official handing over 39WE for WKD

Today in Gro­dzisk Mazo­wiecki there was an offi­cial han­ding over cere­mony of 39WE elec­tric mul­ti­ple units manu­fac­tu­red by NEWAG S.A. for War­szaw­ska Kolei Dojaz­do­wa [War­saw Com­mu­ter Rail].

Under the agre­ement signed on 26.08.2014, Newag alre­ady deli­ve­red three out of six elec­tric mul­ti­ple units in April and May this year for pro­vi­ding pas­sen­ger rail trans­port in the War­saw metro­po­li­tan area. The agre­ement also pro­vi­des for main­te­nance servi­ces for 6 mon­ths since han­ding over of each train as well as staff tra­ining in main­te­na­ining the vehicles.

The total gross value of the con­tract is PLN 98, 227, 800.00 s (net value PLN 79, 860, 000.00). The last train orde­red will be deli­ve­red in late August this year.

It is an honour for me to be able  to offi­cially hand over today to the Mana­ge­ment of War­szaw­ska Kolej Dojaz­dowa a new 39WE train which we are very proud of. We are convin­ced that this vehicle will meet your expec­ta­tions and expec­ta­tions of your most deman­ding pas­sen­gers. We have manu­fac­tu­red a train which will be not only com­for­ta­ble and relia­ble but also very safe due to the imple­men­ta­tion of cutting-edge tech­ni­cal solu­tions,” said Zbi­gniew Konie­czek, Pre­si­dent of NEWAG S.A.

39WE elec­tric mul­ti­ple units are six-car, 60 metre-long tra­ins con­sisting of two open-space parts com­pri­sing three cars each. Its total pas­sen­ger capa­city will be 505, inc­lu­ding 164 seating capa­city. (inc­lu­ding on 32 fol­ding cha­irs) and 16 doors on each side of the train faci­li­tate boar­ding and de-boarding. 39WE is equ­ip­ped with an inte­gra­ted pas­sen­ger infor­ma­tion sys­tem featu­ring exter­nal LED displays and inter­nal LCD moni­tors. An inte­rior moni­to­ring sys­tem with an Inter­com ena­bling con­tact with the train dri­ver ensure pas­sen­gers’ safety while tra­vel­ling. All the tra­ins are fit­ted with an air-conditioning sys­tem with a win­dow lay­out ena­bling free air exchange thro­ughout the train and a pas­sen­ger coun­ting system.

39WE EMUs are adju­sted to trans­por­ting pas­sen­gers with redu­ced mobi­lity thanks to spe­cially desi­gna­ted spa­ces for whe­el­cha­irs and fold-out ramps will faci­li­tate boar­ding and de-boarding for pas­sen­gers on whe­el­cha­irs, mothers with small chil­dren and cyc­li­sts. There is also a desi­gna­ted space for trans­por­ting bicyc­les.  The new tra­ins will tra­vel at 80 km/h on WKD lines.

Official handing over 39WE for WKD