
New IMPULS trains, fully compliant with TSI, already supplied to Koleje Dolnośląskie

NEWAG S.A. han­ded over to Koleje Dol­no­ślą­skie (KD) first two IMPULS tra­ins which were orde­red by the Car­rier on 10.03.2015. The new four-unit elec­tric mul­ti­ple units (EMUs) dif­fer from those alre­ady sup­plied to KD: they feature new shape of the train front and LED headli­ghts. The vehicle inte­rior has also been chan­ged, in par­ti­cu­lar its colour scheme.
The EMUs have 460 pas­sen­ger capa­city and will tra­vel with a maxi­mum speed of 160 km/h.

The sup­plied IMPULS 31 WE tra­ins are fully com­pliant with the Tech­ni­cal Spe­ci­fi­ca­tions for Inte­ro­pe­ra­bi­lity (TSI), i.e., new restric­tive norms in force in the Euro­pean Union.
They are sche­du­led to ope­rate on the Wro­cław – Rawicz route.

In total five IMPULS tra­ins will be sup­plied under the con­tract, whose total value is PLN 78 mil­lion. Accor­ding to the sche­dule, the next three EMUs will be deli­ve­red to KD by 16 Novem­ber 2015.

By the end of 2015, Koleje Dol­no­ślą­skie will have been ope­ra­ting a total of 16 IMPULS tra­ins manu­fac­tu­red by NEWAG S.A.