
New IMPULS trains to operate in Trójmiasto in a year’s time

Today, a con­tract for the sup­ply of two IMPULS series Elec­tric Mul­ti­ple Units was signed at the regi­ste­red office of  Szybka Kolej Miej­ska (SKM – Rapid Muni­ci­pal Transit Sys­tem) in Gdy­nia. It is the first con­tract for new tra­ins to be sup­plied by Newag to SKM. So far, the Nowy Sącz com­pany has only con­duc­ted train moder­ni­sa­tion pro­jects for this carrier.

The IMPULS tra­ins, which will start ope­ra­ting in Q2 of 2016, are four-car vehic­les of 74 400 mm in length with pas­sen­ger capa­city of 503, inc­lu­ding 144 seating capa­city. They will dif­fer from the IMPULS 31WEa tra­ins pro­du­ced so far by the num­ber of doors and the floor level. At the carrier’s requ­est, each car will have four doors and the floor height will be adap­ted to the SKM plat­form level (960mm), which is higher by 200mm as com­pa­red with the stan­dard ver­sion of IMPULS 31WEa. The tra­ins will be fit­ted with an addi­tio­nal retrac­ta­ble step to cover the gap between the train and the plat­form. These IMPULS tra­ins will be fit­ted with retention-tank toilets adap­ted to the needs of pas­sen­gers with restric­ted mobility.

Elec­tric Mul­ti­ple Units (EMUs) manu­fac­tu­red by NEWAG S.A. are one of the most modern rail vehic­les of its kind in Poland. Com­fort of tra­vel­ling is ensu­red by quiet, air-conditioned inte­rior, ergo­no­mic seats, Inter­net access and elec­tric soc­kets. IMPULS tra­ins are eco­no­mi­cal and safe – their elec­tri­city con­sump­tion is low due to energy recu­pe­ra­tion to the over­head line. The train is equ­ip­ped with a modern visual and audio pas­sen­ger infor­ma­tion sys­tem, inte­rior moni­to­ring and con­tact with the train crew thro­ugh the inter­com. The train meets strict Euro­pean cra­sh­wor­thi­ness and resi­stance stan­dards. Its maxi­mum ope­ra­ting speed is 160 km/h.

The con­tract to the tune of PLN 28 920 000 net was signed today by Maciej Lignow­ski – Pre­si­dent of SKM, Bar­tło­miej Buczek – Board mem­ber of SKM and Zbi­gniew Konie­czek, CEO of NEWAG S.A.

The new tra­ins will ope­rate on the route between Wej­he­ro­wo and a new stop Gdańsk Śród­mie­ście. They will be han­ded over to SKM by March 31, 2016.