
The first ‘Impuls’ train operating in Warmia and Mazury

The two-unit ‘Impuls’ (37WE) train, com­mis­sio­ned by the Marshal’s Office of Warmińsko-Mazurskie Pro­vince, is alre­ady car­ry­ing pas­sen­gers. It is the first  of  ‘Impuls’ tra­ins which will be ope­ra­ting on rail­way routes in War­mia and Mazury.

This elec­tric mul­ti­ple unit can carry 252 pas­sen­gers and tra­vel with a speed of up to 160 km/hour. It offers pas­sen­gers high com­fort of tra­vel­ling, a wi-fi access and indi­vi­dual elec­tric soc­kets to plug in lap­tops and other elec­tro­nic equ­ip­ment. The train is fit­ted with a camera which moni­tors and records the track as well as with an inte­rior moni­to­ring sys­tem. The air-conditioned and heated inte­rior has a modern pas­sen­ger infor­ma­tion sys­tem. The EMU also has an area dedi­ca­ted to pas­sen­gers with restric­ted mobi­lity and a sto­rage area for prams and bicycles.

The train is fit­ted with a toilet with a hermetically-sealed reten­tion tank which is adap­ted to the needs of pas­sen­gers with restric­ted mobi­lity, and a chan­ging sta­tion for infants.

On Wednes­day, 18 Febru­ary 2015, Gustaw Marek Brze­zin, the Pro­vince Mar­shal, offi­cially han­ded a key to the newly-purchased ‘Impuls’ to Ryszard Kuć, Mana­ging Direc­tor of the Warmińsko-Mazurski Branch of Prze­wozy Regio­nalne at the Main Train sta­tion in Olsztyn.

The two-unit ‘Impuls’ com­mis­sio­ned by the Marshal’s Office of Warmińsko-Mazurskie  Pro­vince is the third vehicle of this kind manu­fac­tu­red  by NEWAG from Nowy Sącz. The two first tra­ins were pur­cha­sed by the Marshal’s Office of Pod­kar­pac­kie Province.