
NEWAG Gliwice awarded “Cezar Śląskiego Biznesu”

This pre­sti­gious award was offi­cially gran­ted to busi­ness­men and poli­ti­cians during a gala event of Busi­ness Cen­tre Club which  was held on the pre­mi­ses of Prom­nice Hun­ting Lodge on Sun­day, August 31, 2014.

NEWAG Gli­wice was awar­ded for very good finan­cial results and  sub­stan­tial invo­lve­ment of com­pany staff in com­mu­nity acti­vi­ties. Bar­tosz Krze­miń­ski, Pre­si­dent of the Board, offi­cially rece­ived the award.

“Cezar Śląskiego Biz­nesu” [Caesar of Sile­sian Busi­ness] is a uni­que reco­gni­tion for Sile­sian busi­ness leaders and an expres­sion of appre­cia­tion for their com­pa­nies’ achie­ve­ments. The goal of the con­test is to pro­mote local busi­nesses and regio­nal enter­prise by selec­ting the best com­pa­nies of the Sile­sian region.

The  offi­cial gala is the big­gest media event orga­ni­sed by the Kato­wice Chap­ter  of the Busi­ness Cen­tre Club.  It attracts intel­lec­tual, finan­cial and poli­ti­cal eli­tes but it is not only a social event but a form of con­tem­po­rary co-existence of these circ­les, of networ­king, a plat­form to exchange  ideas as well as an excel­lent oppor­tu­nity to pro­mote the region’s best firms.

The gala was atten­ded by, among other,  Adam Zdzie­bło, secre­tary of state in the Min­si­try of Infra­struc­ture and Deve­lop­ment and repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of Pro­vin­cial autho­ri­ties: Piotr Litwa, Voivode of Ślask and Miro­sław Sekuła, Mar­shal of Śląskie Province.

The fol­lo­wing were  war­ded during the Gala event:

Hono­rary Bad­ges of Merit for Con­tri­bu­tion to Śląskie Province

Beta­Med SA
Doosan Bab­cock Energy Pol­ska sp. z o.o.
EP Cen­trum Finan­sowe sp. z o.o.

Wacław Będ­kow­ski – Pre­si­dent of the Board of Pol­ski Koks SA
Paweł Busz­man – Pre­si­dent of the Board of Ame­ri­can Heart of Poland SA
Sła­wo­mir Nale­wajka – Pre­si­dent of the Board of Bom­bar­dier Trans­por­ta­tion (ZWUS) Pol­ska sp. z o.o.
Zbi­gniew Szka­rad­nik – Pre­si­dent of the Board of 3S SA
Jerzy Widu­chow­ski, MD – Ortho­pa­edic and Rheu­ma­to­logy Spe­cia­list, Sports Medi­cine Specialist

Beta­Med SA
Azis – Mining Service sp. z o.o.
Busi­ness Cen­ter 1 sp. z o.o.
Newag Gli­wice SA

Ame­ri­can Heart of Poland SA

Gold Dia­mond:
Bom­bar­dier Trans­por­ta­tion (ZWUS) Pol­ska sp. z o.o.
BSPiR Energoprojekt-Katowice SA

Spe­cial Sta­tu­ette:
Elż­bieta Bieńkowska

Hono­rary mem­ber­ship:
Prof. dr hab. Leszek Żabiń­ski – Rec­tor of the Uni­ver­sity of Eco­no­mics in Kato­wice
Prof. dr hab. inż. Andrzej Kar­bow­nik – Rec­tor of the Sile­sian Tech­ni­cal University