News website awarded e-Diamond by Forbes

On April 10, 2014, an offi­cial award gran­ting cere­mony for For­bes Dia­monds 2014 in the Malo­pol­ska Pro­vince was held.

 NEWAG S.A. came second in the cate­gory of Malo­pol­ska com­pa­nies with reve­nues exce­eding PLN 250 mil­lion (fol­lo­wing clo­sely Tau­ron Dys­try­bu­cja S.A) and it ran­ked eighth in Poland.

The Malo­pol­ska Gala also pro­vi­ded an occa­sion to grant e-Diamonds for the best websi­tes of com­pa­nies listed in the For­bes ranking.

We are happy to anno­unce that website was among two short-listed websi­tes. The main award went to ELSTA Sp. z o.o.
