
Another successful test for DRAGON

Accor­ding to the ori­gi­nal plan,  the first out of the five loco­mo­ti­ves orde­red by LOTOS Kolej has under­gone testing. DRAGON has been tested to check if it is capa­ble of pul­ling heavy weight tra­ins on tracts cha­rac­te­ri­sed by vary­ing para­me­ters. The loco was tested on the Jaszczów-Świerże route from Febru­ary 7 – 10 , 2014. DRAGON suc­cess­fully pas­sed both tests.

The loco,  star­ting at a speed of  0 km/h (from the par­king posi­tion)  clim­bed effor­tles­sly a 14% ele­va­tion pul­ling the tra­in­set of the gross weight of nearly 4000 tonnes.

“The loco star­ted and with an unsta­ble vol­tage, without the need for stan­ding, it reached the speed of 25km/h” , said Michał Śnie­żek, the train’s  driver.

The dri­ver pra­ised the loco’s very good para­me­ters, trac­tion con­trol and the ease of ope­ra­ting. “What I like most in this loco is that all the swit­ches and but­tons are really at hand,”  he added.

Dra­gon is the first loco desi­gned in Poland in the last 30 years and the only six-axle trac­tion vehicle on the Polish mar­ket adju­sted to pul­ling heavy fre­ight trans.  Dra­gon is power­ful, safe, attractively-priced, eco­no­mi­cal, well– equ­ip­ped, fit­ted with the latest tech­no­lo­gies, adju­sted to Polish trac­tion con­di­tions and it pro­vi­des enhan­ced driver’s work comfort.