
NEWAG S.A. – Małopolska Leader 2013

This year was the 14th time when the Chap­ter of Mało­pol­ska Gmi­nas and Poviats has gran­ted the awards for “the Best Mało­pol­ska Ven­tu­res  – Mało­pol­ska Leader 2013”. The con­test awards cru­cial social ini­tia­ti­ves, of key impor­tance to resi­dents’  spi­ri­tual life, iden­tity, edu­ca­tion, stan­dards of living as well as infra­struc­ture pro­jects and expan­ding Mało­pol­ska com­pa­nies  which uti­lise new tech­no­lo­gies and cre­ate new jobs.

NEWAG S.A. is the only manu­fac­tu­ring com­pany which, accor­ding to the Chap­ter, has dese­rved the distinc­tion of the ‘Mało­pol­ska Leader 2013’.

The con­test Jury awar­ded NEWAG S.A. for  “its inno­va­tive  rail trans­port solu­tions, the highest quality pro­ducts with the brand reco­gni­sed on the Euro­pean mar­kets and exem­plary coope­ra­tion with local self-government in sup­ply­ing the new gene­ra­tion rail vehic­les (…)”.

The  Con­test award cere­mony, which is orga­ni­sed under the auspi­ces of the Mar­shal of Mało­pol­ska, Marek Sowa, will be held on 26 March,  2014 at  11.00 am  at the Regio­nal Par­lia­ment of the Mało­pol­ska Pro­vince in Kra­ków at 56  Racła­wicka street.