
TRAKO 2013

This was the tenth anni­ver­sary edi­tion of TRAKO – Inter­na­tio­nal Rail­way Fair, orga­ni­sed under the Hono­rary Auspi­ces of Sła­wo­mir Nowak, Poland’s Mini­ster of Trans­port, Con­struc­tion and Mari­time Economy.

TRAKO, the lar­gest and the most pre­sti­gious rail indu­stry meeting in Poland, and the second lar­gest in Europe, is beco­ming more and more popu­lar . In the period from Sep­tem­ber 24 to 27, this year, the NEWAG  S.A.  stand  attrac­ted hun­dreds of guests. In par­ti­cu­lar, visi­tors to the Ambe­rE­xpo gro­unds admi­red Impuls 31WE  which set the speed record of 211km/h this year. Train dri­vers expres­sed high pra­ise for NEWAG’s locos: the multi-system Grif­fin and the moder­ni­sed 15D locomotive.

On Wednes­day Sep­tem­ber 25,  we were hono­ured by a visit of Mini­ster Sła­wo­mir Nowak to our stand.