
NEWAG Capital Group reached record sales revenue

In 2014, NEWAG Capi­tal Group posted a net pro­fit of PLN 78.4 mil­lion, thus achie­ving 98.9%  of the finan­cial results pro­jec­ted in the IPO pro­spec­tus. EBITDA reached PLN 136.7 mil­lion and was 67.2 % higher as com­pa­red with 2013.

The sales reve­nue figure reached a record high level in the amo­unt of PLN 900.6 mil­lion, with PLN 897.2 mil­lion gene­ra­ted by pro­duct sales and PLN 3.4 mil­lion by sales of good and mate­rials. As com­pa­red to 2013, the sales reve­nue was 32.3% higher (i.e., by PLN 220.1 million).

The big­gest varia­tion from the pro­jec­ted figu­res, namely –PLN 18.88 mil­lion was obse­rved in the sales reve­nue figure. The Group, while pre­pa­ring the fore­cast, assu­med the sale of 11 IMPULS 31WE tra­ins to Zachod­nia Grupa Zaku­powa. Howe­ver, the Con­trac­ting Autho­rity sche­du­led the han­do­ver of four tra­ins for 2015. The dif­fe­rence was miti­ga­ted to a large extent by the con­tract for the sup­ply of six IMPULS 36WEa tra­ins to Koleje Dol­no­ślą­skie, which was fina­li­sed in 2014.
Despite the lower sales reve­nue figure, the net pro­fit is only 1.1% lower than the pro­jec­ted figure. This has resul­ted from the costs of pro­duc­tion of goods sold which were lower than the pro­jec­ted figure (inc­lu­ding indi­rect costs).

EBITDA exce­eded the pro­jec­ted figure by PLN 173 tho­usand.
Short-term lia­bi­li­ties due to loans were also lower by PLN186.4 mil­lion as com­pa­red with last year.

Major con­tracts
In 2014, NEWAG Capi­tal Group conc­lu­ded con­tracts amo­un­ting to PLN 520 mil­lion  inc­lu­ding three big con­tracts for the sup­ply of elec­tric mul­ti­ple units. The first con­tract of the net value of PLN 66.2 mil­lion was signed with Koleje Dol­no­ślą­skie for the sup­ply of six modern, three-car rail vehic­les. The second and the big­gest con­tract was signed last year with Koleje Mazo­wiec­kie which orde­red 12 five-car IMPULS tra­ins of the net value of  209 mil­lion. The third impor­tant con­tract was for the sup­ply of six new elec­tric mul­ti­ple units for War­szaw­ska Kolej Dojaz­dowa. The net value of this con­tract was PLN 79.86 million.

Rese­arch and Deve­lop­ment 
Last year, the family of IMPULS elec­tric mul­ti­ple units was enlar­ged by three-car tra­ins which are TSI com­pliant.
Due to the imple­men­ta­tion of the con­tract for the sup­ply of 12 tra­ins for Koleje Mazo­wiec­kie,  design work on the five-car ver­sion of IMPULS 45WE elec­tric mul­ti­ple unit was conc­lu­ded in late 2014. Thanks to this pro­ject, NEWAG will be able to offer low-floor elec­tric mul­ti­ple units with the con­fi­gu­ra­tion span­ning two-car  up to six-car vehic­les. Just like the tra­ins manu­fac­tu­red for Koleje Dol­no­ślą­skie,  the IMPULS 45WE tra­ins will be TSI compliant.

NEWAG Gli­wice con­duc­ted work rela­tive to the pro­cess of TSI cer­ti­fi­ca­tion for Grif­fin locomotive.