
Presentation of INSPIRO train for Sofia Underground

On Novem­ber 15 repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of Metro­po­li­tan EAD visi­ted the headqu­ar­ters of NEWAG S.A. in Nowy Sącz to par­ti­ci­pate in the pre­sen­ta­tion of the train for the newly-built under­gro­und line in Sofia, Bul­ga­ria. The guests taking part in the event had an oppor­tu­nity to see the first vehicle as well as to get to know the whole manu­fac­tu­ring pro­cess. The tra­ins for Sofia Metro are being built  by Siemens-Newag Con­sor­tium and they will be deli­ve­red  in 2018.

Under the con­tract, the Siemens-Newag Con­sor­tium will sup­ply to Metro­po­li­tan EAD twenty three-unit under­gro­und tra­ins and traf­fic con­trol sys­tem within 36 mon­ths since signing the con­tract. The con­tract inc­lu­des an option for the Client to order addi­tio­nal 10 vehicles.

The new tra­ins are based on the INSPIRO plat­form i.e., the tra­ins deli­ve­red to War­saw Metro. INSPIRO tra­ins are cha­rac­te­ri­sed by high energy effi­ciency, low ope­ra­ting costs as well as modern design and solu­tions which improve tra­vel­ling com­fort. The INSPIRO tra­ins for Sofia will addi­tio­nally have pan­to­graphs moun­ted on the roof allo­wing them to ope­rate in ano­ther vol­tage sys­tem. Addi­tio­nally, the tra­ins will be air-conditioned due to the fact that these tra­ins will tra­vel both in tun­nels and on the ground.

The scope of work for NEWAG S.A. com­pri­ses the design and instal­la­tion of train inte­riors, train start-up at the company’s Nowy Sącz plant, the deli­very of the ready vehic­les to the Client as well as pro­vi­ding main­te­nance servi­ces during the guaran­tee period. At pre­sent, the first vehicle is in the final pro­duc­tion stage. The next orde­red cars are being suc­ces­si­vely assem­bled accor­ding to the agreed schedule.