
8th edition of Sądecka Dycha Street Run

On Sep­tem­ber 25,2016,  the 8th edi­tion of  „Sądecka Dycha” Street Run  for  NEWAG’s President’s Cup took place.

This  year the 10 kilo­me­tre distance attrac­ted a record num­ber of run­ners exce­eding 350 with a big group pf NEWAG’s staff par­ti­ci­pa­ting as well. The run­ners appre­cia­ted excel­lent weather con­di­tions and opti­mal tem­pe­ra­ture which hel­ped them that day.

The win­ner in the men’s cate­gory was Dmy­tro Dido­vo­diuk from LKB RUDNIK who cove­red the distance in 00:29:48 . Ser­gii Okse­niuk (LKB RUDNIK) fol­lo­wed the win­ner four seconds later.  Oleh Lesh­chy­shyn came third with the result of 00:30:22.

In the NEWAG S.A. cate­gory  win­ners among women were: Klau­dia Kole­go­wicz with the result of 00:45:31, Anna Ziółko came second cove­ring the distance in 00:52:33, and Par­ty­cja Kur­czab came third (her time: 00:55:59). In the men cate­gory the win­ner was Fran­ci­szek Dłu­gosz with the result of 00:36:58, Bar­tło­miej Badow­ski came second cove­ring the distance in 00:41:24, and Mate­usz Fedko came third (his time: 00:43:19).

The race was fol­lo­wed by an offi­cial awards cere­mony and a draw of attrac­tive pri­zes for  run­ners. The awards were offi­cially han­ded out by Józef Micha­lik, Vice Pre­si­dent of NEWAG S.A., Łukasz Wysow­ski – Pro­duc­tion Direc­tor, Mariusz Ber­naś – R& D Direc­tor  and Marian Ryżak, NEWAG’s employee, the run coor­di­na­tor and main organizer.

Apart from NEWAG S.A., which was the main spon­sor, the event was spon­so­red by Med­com Sp. z o.o., RFWW RAWAG Sp. z o.o, Kacz­ma­rek Elec­tric Sp. z o.o., Gra­met,  P.H VOLPEX, IGUANA-GASTRO-POLSKA and ENTE sp. z o.o. The orga­ni­sers express their gra­ti­tude to all Spon­sors for their sup­port in orga­ni­zing this event hoping for their col­la­bo­ra­tion during the next edi­tion of the Race.

We would like to thank all the run­ners and fans for par­ti­ci­pa­ting in the 8th edi­tion of Sądecka Dycha Street Run and enco­urage them to join us next year.

More pho­tos on our Face­book site: here