
311Da Locos for PKP LHS will be modernised earlier

In July, 2017, a con­tract was signed between PKP Linia Hut­ni­cza Sze­ro­ko­to­rowa spółka z o.o. and  NEWAG S.A. con­cer­ning moder­ni­sa­tion of ten die­sel ST44 loco­mo­ti­ves to 311Da type. Accor­ding to the ori­gi­nal sche­dule, one loco was  to be sup­plied per month. Bearing in mind incre­asing trans­por­ta­tion needs of PKP LHS, the par­ties agreed to reduce the period needed for the imple­men­ta­tion of the contract.  

“We are very glad that the newly-modernised loco­mo­ti­ves will be sup­plied ear­lier than it was ori­gi­nally plan­ned. It is espe­cially impor­tant for us due to the fact that we had a record trans­port volume in the first quar­ter of this year,” said  Zbi­gniew Tra­ci­chleb, Pre­si­dent of the Board of PKP LHS.

The first two moder­ni­sed locos were alre­ady deli­ve­red to PKP LHS in April, with the fol­lo­wing four locos to be deli­ve­red in May. The con­tract will be exe­cu­ted in full in July 2018, five mon­ths before the ori­gi­nally sche­du­led date.

Before imple­men­ting the con­tract PKP LHS had seven­teen 311Da loco­mo­ti­ves moder­ni­sed by NEWAG. These loco­mo­ti­ves are desi­gned to pull heavy cargo tra­ins on broad-gauge lines.

NEWAG S.A. has moder­ni­sed 37 loco­mo­ti­ves of this type since 2007. The 311D/311Da  die­sel cargo loco­mo­tive was cre­ated  as a result of a com­plete over­haul of the Rus­sian– manu­fac­tu­red M62 loco­mo­tive, which is known on the Polish rail­way mar­ket as ST44.

The net value of the con­tract exce­eds PLN 95 million.